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Nomination of deputy director for KTH Life Science Tecnology Platform

Nomination deadline: 11 March 2020


Published Feb 12, 2020

Open call for KTH staff to nominate a person for the position as deputy director of the KTH Life Science Technology Platform.

Nominate a deputy director

Position: Deputy director of KTH Life Science Technology platform reporting to KTH management and the platform steering committee. The nominee profile should correspond to the following criteria:

Profile requirement

  • Background as a Ph.D. in a field relevant to the platform, proven ability of system thinking and experience of cross-disciplinary research.

Profile merits

  • An extensive network and familiarity with R&D and industrial activities in the platform area.
  • Good communication skills.
  • Understanding the value of networking and collaboration between academia and industry.
  • Network within the KTH faculty.
  • International network.

How to nominate

As a KTH employee, you can nominate a candidate for the position as deputy director according to the criteria above by sending an email to KTH Vice President for Research, Annika Stensson Trigell , stating deputy director Life Science Technology in the subject field. Deadline 11 March 2020.

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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Feb 12, 2020