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Previously supported platform activities

Every year KTH Digitalisation platform provides KTH researchers small support grants that enable; research ideas that has a broader value, e.g. initiate cross-school collaboration, is valuable for many or contributes to the research environment as well as support to organise research conferences or workshops. In the brief reports below (incomplete list) you can read about previous projects supported by KTH Digitalisation platform.

Information about the platform call

The KTH Digitalisation Platform provides an open call with three cut-off dates per year in February, June, and October. The open call is divided into three sub-categories; conference organisers, bottom-up activities, and strategic initiatives.

More information about the call

Supported projects 2022

Onboarding research groups into KTH Center for Data Driven Health

Implementation period: October – December 2022
Complete list of applicants:  Sebastiaan Meijer
About the project:
The funding allowed for outreach and onboarding activities through which CDDH has been able to identify relevant researchers within KTH who could benefit from the CDDH activities and contribute to its mission. Given that the center is in an early stage and has a wide scope, this activity has sped up the broadening of the center’s base within KTH. With the mandate and support of the platform, we were able to interest several very relevant researchers for the center. Concrete collaborations are forming, and the center is much better known within KTH.

Workshop: Applied AI in Transportation – The Art of Using AI

Implementation period: 12 December 2022
Complete list of applicants: Zhenliang Ma , Jonas Mårtensson , Mohammad Maghrour Zefreh , Matej Cebecauer , Yuchao Li
About the project:
In December 2022, a workshop on Applied AI in Transportation was jointly organised by the school of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE) and the school of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS). The workshop included representatives from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Chalmers, Linköping University, KTH, Trafikverket, SL, VTI, WSP, SWECO and SCANIA. They presented current AI-enabled transportation applications and discussed the education needs of different beneficiaries, including academics, students, and public and private sectors. These significantly advance our understanding of AI-based approaches in developing smart and intelligent transport solutions/systems and educational needs for KTH students and professional engineers.

Digitalization & Real Estate Breakfast Seminar Series @KTH

Implementation period: October – November 2022
Complete list of applicants: Bertram Steininger , Sviatlana Engerstam
About the project:
This project involved a series of four breakfast seminars on topics related to digitalisation and real estate. The topics were “Trends in Digitalization in the Real Estate Sector”, ”Token: a new Form of Ownership using Blockchain”, “Digital Twin”, “Automated Valuation Model” and “How to lead digital transformation? Opportunities and challenges”. The seminars allowed practitioners and academics to meet and critically discuss current ideas and concepts on how digitalisation could influence the real estate sector over the next years.

Around 60 people from both academia and the industry participated in each seminar, on-site and online. The recorded presentations were uploaded and are publicly available on YouTube. The seminar series focused on building new partnerships and strengthening the existing network among researchers and the industry. In addition, the activities were a good opportunity to present KTH as a research entity to external researchers and the industry.

KTH DiG-In-Lab – Preparation of an application to Vinnova call

Implementation period: August – December 2022
Complete list of applicants: Jonas Anund Vogel
About the project:
The support from the KTH Digitalisation Platform has contributed to the preparation of an application to a Vinnova call regarding competence centers within sustainable industry and digital transformation. The support has enabled interdisciplinary collaboration between researchers from different disciplines. This contributes to exchange of ideas, establishment of new collaborations and design of multidisciplinary research activities, which is a crucial part of the DiG-In-Lab and application.

Supported projects 2021

Nordic Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2021

Implementation period: 23 August, 2021
Complete list of applicants: Olga Viberg
About the project: Nordic Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2021

LASI-Nordic draws together the Nordic Learning Analytics community to learn from experts, to share research and experience, and to investigate if there is a Nordic approach to learning analytics.

During the event there were keynote talks, hands-on workshops, tutorials, and a panel discussion panels. First and foremost, however, LASI-Nordic 2021 aimed at enhancing participants to share, discuss, and shape, how the Nordic countries use/want to use Learning Analytics to improve learning and teaching.

Furthermore, the aim was to facilitate collaboration and sharing of knowledge on Learning Analytics within the Nordic community, and to determine if there is interest in developing a Nordic Special Interest Group (SIG) on Learning Analytics.

The event has been run in cooperation with Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR). In total, we had 120 participants who took part in the online event.

Boosting KTH participation in Horizon Europe and research collaboration with industry

Implementation period: 2021
Complete list of applicants: Tobias Vahlne
About the project:

In the context of this activity, key goals of ICES include catalysing multidisciplinary strategic research projects and creating a well-developed network within KTH, externally with industry and with related funding bodies. Within the targeted areas, ICES focuses on key concerns shared by members across industrial domains and academic disciplines to ensure system trustworthiness (human-centered, reliable, available, safe and secure) and life-cycle efficiency (effective and efficient processes, and sustainability-related concerns).

The activities carried out during 2021, and that was supported by the Digitalisation Platform, were built around two parts that were executed as one full-day workshop 9 November, 2021. ICES has a proven track record in catalysing projects and multidisciplinary networking activities between KTH and Industry partners.

Part 1 – Understanding the new EU framework; Horizon Europe
Given the initiation of Horizon Europe, it is highly relevant to get an understanding of this large-scale programme. In particular, this workshop focused on the structure and calls relevant to industrial digitalisation.

Part 2 – Deep-dive into networking and research roadmaps
Facilitating networking opportunities together with enabling sharing and aligning of research roadmaps will be an important factor in supporting both industry and KTH researchers. Many calls for funding require industrial support or collaboration, and it becomes much easier to establish collaboration if contacts and points of view are exchanged more often. Connecting to Part 1, this particularly helps in forming collaborative EU projects.

13th ReCapNet Conference: Digitalisation and Real Estate

Implementation period: 1 April – 31 December 2021
Conference days: 18-19 November 2021
Complete list of applicants: Bertram Steininger
About the project:

How does digitalisation affect the real estate markets and how can we develop a resilient society? These were two of the most important questions for this conference. Around 100 researchers met online and in Stockholm for presentations and discussions of twelve out of more than fifty submitted research papers as well as the keynote speech by Professor Markus K. Brunnermeier from Princeton University.

The conference has taken place for the thirteenth time by now, but this year, it was for the first time that it was organized in a hybrid setting – both online and on-site in Stockholm.

This provided the guests on-site with the opportunity to exchange scientific ideas also outside of their presentations and yet at the same time, it allowed as many scientists as possible from all over the world to participate despite travel restrictions or due to sustainability considerations.

Almost all Europeans traveled to Stockholm whereas our colleagues from the US and Asia took the opportunity and presented virtually.

Supported projects 2020


Implemented: July 2020

Complete list of applicants:

  • Carlo Fischione
  • Hossein S. Ghadikolaei
  • Alireza Mehrsina

About the project:

In this project, we have closely collaborated with another team at the school of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of KTH, to develop a “contact network” using our privacy preserving contact tracing protocol. We have analyzed the epidemiological benefits of using contact tracing with various infection models, and characterized this gain as a function of app penetration (the percentage of the population who use this app for contact tracing and avoidance). We presented our achievements in various occasions and received very encouraging feedback. We plan to extend the results and test the algorithms in practice, using our new joint project between Sweden and South Korea.

My Digital Drone Twin

Implemeted: June 2020 – Ongoing

Complete list of applicants: 

  • Docent Martin Jacobsson (CBH).
  • Prof. Gunnar Karlsson (EECS).
  • Prof. Elena Gutierrez Farewik (SCI).
  • Tekn.Dr. Jonas Willén (CBH).
  • Tekn.Dr. Mikael Swarén (Högskolan Dalarna and the Swedish Olympic Academy).

About the project:

To win in sports, you need to push your body and skills to the outmost limit. But how do you know if you perform the best possible without analyzing your sports performance? In this project, we want to bring the motion capture lab possibilities out from the lab and into the field, where the actual sports activities take place. Instead of using multiple high-definition cameras, which are only available at very large stadiums, we propose a much cheaper solution that in the future will be available to grass roots athletes: a small depth camera on an aerial drone. The vision is that the drone will operate autonomously and record and analyze your movements, in order for you to better understand and perfect your sports performance. In this project, we started the work towards this vision by building such a drone system based an open-source drone platform, a high-performance single board computer, and the latest pocket-sized depth cameras from Intel. We have experimented with different available software for skeleton-tracking in order to enable sophisticated kinematic analysis of the athlete. Today we fly the drone with a human pilot, but in future versions, the drone will be able to autonomously follow the athlete during the exercise or competition. The results of the analysis will automatically and continuously be fed to the athlete and to the coach so that instantaneous improvements can be made.

OPEN-KTH: An AD-EYE initiative


  • 30 Mars - 30 May: Prestudy
  • 20 September – 15 December: Data collection efforts
  • 7 January 2021– 31 January 2021: Data sanitization, publication

Complete list of applicants: 

  • Naveen Mohan
  • Martin Törngren

About the project:

This project will:

  • Be the first openly available source of high resolution data for the KTH campus, and will be improved over time.
  • Save researchers working with Automated Driving, Robotics, smart infrastructure etc. who need access to such data an estimated 200 000 SEK.
  • Be one of the enabling steps for the creation of an ITS testbed at KTH, in conjunction with other projects at the mechatronics division.

Support to the ICES competence network and for catalyzing multidisciplinary projects


The activity consisted of two parts, (1) the strengthening of the operation of the ICES competence groups, and (2) improving the generation and catalyzing of new research projects organized as a workshop: “Best practices to catalyze EU and industry collaborative research projects”

We consider activity (2) to be concluded on Oct. 27th (the day of the workshop).

Activity no 1 could be considered implemented November 26th when the ICES board approved the list of proposed Competence Group Leaders in combination with the training- and implementation plan. Initially the implementation plan was made to start after summer 2020 but the COVID-19 situation have pushed everything forward.

Complete list of applicants: 

  • Tobias Vahlne
  • Martin Törngren

About the project:

Summary of the work with renewing and reviving the Competence groups;

  • Team leader program developed with IERO
  • Implementation Plan made, starting in December 2020 and continuing during 2021
  • 7 new competence group leaders recruited from Industry members
  • Genuine support and interest from all ICES Gold and Silver members
  • The new Competence will become and integral part of the ICES conference 2021

A workshop on “Best practices to catalyze EU and industry collaborative research projects” was planned during the spring 2020, organized in close collaboration with the KTH RSO.

The workshop took place on Oct. 27, with some 50 participants, dominated by KTH but also with external organizations including companies, Vinnova, the Smarter electronics innovation program, Stockholm school of economics, and a few international participants.

The program included invited speakers from INRIA (France), Virtual Vehicle (Austria), RISE (Sweden), TuTech (Germany), RSO (KTH) and ICES (KTH) and apart from presentations also featured a panel debate. Overall the workshop was perceived as very successful, with several participants coming back to the organizers with positive comments. There is room to further pursue this effort and for actually considering to implement some of the mentioned mechanisms and approaches to support catalyzing research projects.

The program is available here .

8th Scandinavian Conference on System and Software Safety (SCSSS)

Implemented: 24 November - 27 November 

Complete list of applicants:

  • Fredrik Asplund, ITM School
  • Tobias Vahlne, Machine Design Department
  • Matrin Törngren, Mechatronics Division

About the project:

As an example on what the funding helped achieve, the recordings from the first two days are found here (YouTube) .

Workshop on “The Role of AI in Achieving the SDGs: Enabler or Inhibitor?”

Implemented: Thursday 20 August at 14.00 - 16.00

Complete list of applicants:

  • Iolanda Leite, Division of Robotics, Perception, and Learning, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)
  • Ricardo Vinuesa, Linné FLOW Centre, KTH Mechanics, School of Science (SCI)
  • Francesco Fuso Nerini, Division of Energy Systems Analysis (dESA), School of Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM)
  • Hossein Azizpour, Division of Robotics, Perception, and Learning, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)

About the project:

This workshop had two main objectives: first, promote our recent article on AI and the SDGs published in Nature Communications, initiating a discussion with a number of international experts including Max Temgark from MIT. Second, we established contacts to develop a number of extensions of this successful work.

The workshop was very well received, with over 200 registered participants and it has certainly helped to initiate a number of very interesting new international projects in this research area.

More details, including the full program and recorded talks, can be found here .

Supported projects 2019

2019 International Conference on Game Theory for Security (GameSec 2019)

Implemented: 28-30 October 2019

Complete list of applicants: György Dan

About the project:

The conference was a big success, with excellent opportunities for the exchange of ideas, for establishing new collaborations and was highly appreciated by the attendees.

The KTH Digitalisation platform was included on the main webpage of the conference, among "Conference sponsors and supporters" as the first sponsor ( In addition, it was included in the list of sponsors in the preface of the conference proceedings, and it was named as sponsor during the welcome message given by the General chair of the conference. The financial support provided was used to provide a reduced registration fee to 9 employees of KTH (2 faculty, 3 postdocs and 4 PhD students). The platform enabled an increased participation of KTH employees, primarily postdocs and PhD students. Through participating at the event, these junior researchers received an opportunity to widen their social network in the community, and to participate in lively technical discussions during the technical program.

Panagiotis Papadimitratos: CyberSecurity and Privacy Summer School

The KTH Digitalisation platform was recognized on the web page, as well as on the program. The sponsorship enabled low registration fees overall and access to the week-long event for a significant number of KTH students, for free. Out of a total of 142 participants, including speakers, 19 KTH MSc students attended for free.

Sonja Buchegger: 4th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy

The platform was promoted on the web page of the conference, as well as on the program and enabled free registration for 3 KTH employees (across schools).

This is an incomplete list since we wait for more reports.

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Last changed: Aug 04, 2023