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Calls September


Published Sep 07, 2020

Here we have gathered several calls open for application.

Promobilia Foundation

The Promobilia Foundation announces grants for research services in the subject area of ​​disability. The term disability refers to physical and other effects on human function. Development of aids to make it easier for the disabled is part of the research area. Two Doctoral Student positions and two Postdoctoral positions both with a grant period of 2 years.

Deadline 10 September.

More information. 

Erik Philip-Sörensens Foundation

Grants for genetic research are awarded upon special application to researchers or research groups in Sweden. The foundation wishes to support bold, future-oriented research by well-qualified researchers and research groups.

Deadline 19 September.

More information. 

Vetenskapsrådet: International postdoc grant

The purpose of the grant is to give newly qualified researchers with a doctoral degree from a Swedish higher education institution (HEI) the opportunity to expand their networks and their competences by working abroad under secure employment conditions.

Deadline 22 September.

More information.

Vinnova: Funding of innovations in medical research - IMI 2 Call 23

In this offer, innovation projects are funded from research on, among other things, clinical trial data, monoclonal antibodies and vaccines against AMR, neurodegenerative diseases, treatment of solid tumors through AI, diagnosis of rare diseases, etc.

Deadline 29 September.
More information. 

Forte: Increased knowledge on elderly care 2020

In view of the covid-19 pandemic, Forte is now welcoming proposals for research that can respond to the challenges within elderly care. In total, around SEK 6 million is reserved for 2020.

Deadline 1 October 14.00.

More information. 

Wenner-Gren Foundations

  • Postdoctoral fellowships for education in Sweden (foreign postdoctoral fellows): The scholarships are intended to enable foreign doctoral researchers to work at a Swedish scientific institution.
  • Visiting researcher scholarships: The scholarships are intended to make it easier for foreign senior researchers to work in Sweden.
  • Sabbticals: The scholarships are intended to enable Swedish senior researchers, usually professors, to work at a foreign scientific department.
  • Travel scholarships: The scholarships are intended for short-term visits abroad for active participation in international congresses, symposia, workshops and courses. Funds are not provided for research stays abroad. Mer information

Deadline 1 October. 

More information. 

The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry

KSLA distributes grants from a number of foundations that promote scientific research and development in the green sector. The academy manages these foundations and distributes, according to the donors' wishes, various types of grants that are to support or pay for syntheses and analyzes through research, investigation, promotion, information and/or scholarships/travel scholarships.

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Last changed: Sep 07, 2020