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Deadline 30 June! Call for proposals: Collaboration to tackle the Covid-19 crisis


Published Apr 16, 2020

KTH researchers can now apply for seed-funding for to promote innovative solutions. KTH platforms wish to stimulate and kick-start an aim to speed-up innovative solutions in relation to the covid-19 crisis and/or prevent and mitigate future crises. Short-, medium- and long-term proposals are welcome. Deadline for this call is 30 June 2020.

This is a joint initiative by the six KTH Platforms to support networking activities within KTH with the aim to establish multidisciplinary collaborations and strengthen our research. Seed funding of maximum SEK 50 000 per project will be awarded during 2020.

We encourage applications that develop new collaborations between different research groups across KTH’s schools. To facilitate match-making, brain-storming and discussion, a forum to help pairing researchers has been set up. Go to forum. 

Examples of activities that can be supported:

  • Start a university-wide network, or carry out activities in an existing network with focus to understand and perform research actions – both urgent actions and post-crisis actions are of interest.
  • Seed funding for multidisciplinary research projects that could lead to new research applications and launch of strategic activities.
  • Planning grant to prepare urgent actions in response to Vinnova, Formas or other calls.
  • Project looking at Knowledge-sharing and dissemination activities, for example how to communicate to a wider audience, how to make researchers heard in the on-going intense media activities.


Applications should follow the template below. The six research platforms will constitute an interim selection board and has set a first deadline for proposals. The selection board will meet regularly thereafter.

Applications will be reviewed regularly, for urgent actions please mark Urgent on the application. Deadline 30 June 2020.

From 1 July 2020, covid-19-related projects are very welcome to apply for funding through each platform, please contact a platform directly for a dialogue.


The application should not exceed 2 pages using Times New Roman 12pts and shall be sent to .

The application can be written in Swedish or English and must contain the following information:

  • Project Title
  • Date
  • Main Applicant (must be a KTH permanent employee)
  • Main Applicant’s affiliation and contact information
  • Co-applicants (including school and dept.)
  • Amount applied for
  • Project Description including goals
  • Justification of planned expenses
  • Action plan, milestones and timetable incl. Responsible

Send the application to:

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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Apr 16, 2020