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Assistant professors met KTH’s strategic partners during networking event

Connected young faculty within digitalisation with industry

Photo: Pixabay
Published May 23, 2023

In a first-of-its-kind networking event in May, nearly 20 assistant professors presented their research to a selection of KTH’s strategic partners at the Digital Futures hub. KTH Digitalisation Platform organised the exclusive meeting to connect young faculty working in the digitalisation domain with KTH strategic partners, to further collaboration and generate new project ideas.

The event aimed to bridge the unique perspectives and priorities between academia and industry and match the two groups' skills, problems, and shared interests. The faculty spanned the digitalisation spectrum, from energy to health, mobility, and computer science.

Following the presentations by the assistant professors, the KTH strategic partners  presented their views on digitalisation and innovation, following which discussions on practical steps forward were held over lunch. 

The event was hosted by Digital Futures  and was organised with the support of Seraina Dual , Martina Scolamiero , Zhenliang Ma , and Farzin Golzar , all assistant professors within the domain, and Rebecca Hollertz , collaboration manager at the KTH Research Support Office.

KTH Digitalisation Platform

Text: Jayanth Raghothama

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Last changed: May 23, 2023