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News for KTH's research platforms

  • Want to join the industrial transformation researcher's network?

    Published Aug 26, 2022

    If you like join the movement to contribute to the industrial transformation for climate and competitiveness towards the 1.5 degree target for 2030, you should be part of the network of younger resear...

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  • Production Angels South launched in Lund

    A woman ant two men standing by a laptop and the construction of a car.
    Production angels support startup companies in going from idea to production. Photo: Pexels
    Published Aug 26, 2022

    Through a new collaboration between KTH, Södertälje Science Park and Ideon Innovation, the program Production Angels Sound will be launched in Lund this autumn. The program supports startups of hardwa...

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  • Debate article about the climate crisis

    Forest fire
    In the debate article in Aftonbladet, the authors call on the politicians to take the crisis seriously and lead the transition to a future society within the limits of the planet. Photo: Pixabay
    Published Aug 25, 2022

    "Enough now, politicians - take the climate crisis seriously. What is it that you don't understand?". That is the introduction to a debate article that 1,944 Swedish researchers and employees in the r...

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  • Hi there Martin Edin Grimheden, new Industrial Transformation Platform Deptuty Director

    Published Aug 25, 2022

    In mid-August, Martin Edin Grimheden/ITM School assumed his position as Deputy Director of KTH's research platform Industrial Transformation.

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  • New interview series: Adjunct Professor Lennart Harnefors

    Published Aug 23, 2022

    The KTH Digitalization Platform has started a new interview series with adjunct professors in the field of digitalisation. First up is Lennart Harnefors at KTH/ABB.

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  • Martina Scolamiero new assistant professor in mathematics

    Published Aug 22, 2022

    In 2019 Martina Scolamiero was appointed assistant professor in mathematics with specialisation in geometry and mathematical statistics in artificial intelligence at the Department of Mathematics/SCI ...

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  • Matchmaking activity: ABB meets KTH researchers 

    A robot claw and a human hand.
    Digital Powertrain, Electrification, Process Automation, and Robotics are the ABB focus areas in which they are explicitly interested in meeting a KTH researcher. Photo: Istock
    Published Aug 22, 2022

    The KTH Digitalization Platform wants to enhance the exchange between KTH researchers and ABB. To this end, the platform organises matchmaking between KTH researchers in the Digitalisation domain and ...

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  • KTH 6G-IA membership opens for participation in exclusive calls and activities

    The 6G-IA membership provides KTH researchers access to activities organised by the association and allows them to apply to exclusive HE calls. Photo: Mohamed Hassan/Pixabay
    Published Aug 22, 2022

    Now, KTH researchers can access activities organised by the 6G-IA, the Smart Networks and Services Industry Association, and participate in exclusive calls since KTH Digitalization Platform recently b...

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  • Lina Bertling Tjernberg among the most influential figures in Swedish energy sector

    The front page of the Energy Power List with images of people on the list.
    Energy Platform Director Lina Bertling Tjernberg features in this year’s “Energy Power List”.
    Published Aug 17, 2022

    KTH Energy Platform Director, Lina Bertling Tjernberg, has been included on this year’s Energy Power List, which was announced at Dagens industri’s Energy Day in Almedalen.

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  • KERIC information seminar recording available

    Published Jul 27, 2022

    In June 2022, KTH Life Science Platform held an information seminar together with KERIC, Karolinska Experimental Research and Imaging Centre, about the resources and support the core facility is offer...

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  • Researchers provide answers in the energy debate

    The anthology book cover: Towards the Energy of the Future - the invisible revolution behind the electrical socket by KTH Energy Platform and Public & Science.
    Published Jul 14, 2022

    The world’s energy system must be fundamentally transformed in the coming decades if we are to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change. At the same time, a highly polarised debate stands i...

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  • Scania and KTH sign new partnership agreement for innovation and sustainability

    Published Jun 23, 2022

    Scania and KTH have signed a new partnership agreement, with innovation and sustainability in focus. The two have a long tradition of research cooperation, but with the new upgraded partnership Scania...

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  • KTH in energy dialogues during Almedalen 2022

    Published Jun 21, 2022

    KTH participates in Almedalen 2022 in talks and dialogues on the energy issue through, among others, the KTH Energy Platform Director Lina Bertling Tjernberg.

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  • Gender equality and the transport sector transformation were discussed with the Minister

    Published Jun 14, 2022

    On 30 May, the Transport Platform's new director, Magnus Burman, and others participated in a meeting with Minister for Infrastructure Tomas Eneroth. During the meeting, challenges and opportunities t...

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  • "KTH can contribute to creating something unique in the Stockholm region"

    Published Jun 14, 2022

    Since 1 June 2022, Magnus Burman at the SCI school has been the new director of KTH's Transport Platform. He sees climate change as the most critical issue in the transport area and that the pace must...

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  • Martin Grimheden new Deputy Director of the Industrial Transformation Platform

    Published Jun 09, 2022

    Vice President for Research Annika Stensson Trigell has decided that Martin Grimheden at the ITM School will be given a mandate to act as Deputy Director of KTH's research platform Industrial Transfor...

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  • In DI debate: Every new crown invested must be circular

    Published Jun 03, 2022

    "It is time for the government to show circular leadership and look beyond the ballot box in September," claims representatives of the Delegation for Circular Economy, which includes Monica Bellgran, ...

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  • Driving the shift – Long-term partnerships for sustainable innovation 

    Representatives from KTH and Scania gathered outside for a quick group photo before the event. Photo: Nordahl Bild
    Published May 30, 2022

    ITRL is a center located in the heart of the KTH Campus in Stockholm. The center studies the sustainability transformation of the transportation system in the light of automation, digitalisation, conn...

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  • Building a bridge for knowledge exchange between KTH researchers and Swedish parliamentarians

    The board of Rifo made an appreciated study visit to KTH in May. Photo: Fredrik Persson
    Published May 25, 2022

    When KTH invited the board of Rifo, the Swedish Society of Parliamentarians and Researchers, on a study visit in May, the event was very well received. Members of the Swedish parliament were given an ...

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  • More internationalisation and being a key bridge builder in national energy dialogue

    Four people in a news studio.
    During the semester, we have contributed more than before in debates and dialogues about energy supply, as above in Nyhetsmorgon on TV4. Photo/printscreen
    Published May 25, 2022

    Here at the Energy Platform, we have strengthened and grown our international contact network during the year. We have also actively participated in national debates and dialogues throughout the sprin...

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