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Working and developing as a Teacher

As a Teacher at KTH, you will have challenging tasks in research and education. What responsibility you take in KTH education and research depends on what type of teacher role you have.

To enjoy your role as a teacher you should be goal-oriented and independent, at the same time as being humble and responsive. These personal characteristics are a prerequisite for being successful in your work.

Through our academic career path Tenure Track, we try to recruit young people for academic career positions and then give them opportunities to develop their excellence in research and teaching in the long-term.

As a Teacher you can also take part in a variety of collaboration projects and teacher training courses that we have to offer.

Meet Karin, assistant professor

"I want to show in my research that there are alternative ways of organising society - both now and in the future."

- In my role I have three different areas of responsibility - research, teaching and supervising. I hope that my research will help to reduce consumption in society, while maintaining a good standard of living. The best thing about working at KTH is that you can be free in your thoughts and really think in new ways.

Meet Wouter, professor

"I want to develop new Micro- and Nanotechnology to improve people's health."

- I think that there are very good opportunities for doing research here at KTH. As a leader of a research team of eight people, I must be open to someone having a better idea than myself, among other things. We have a very creative environment, which makes everybody feel good about coming to work in the morning.