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Crisis Plan Production Engineering Södertälje

This is the department of Production Engineering's Crisis Preparedness Plan for actions to be taken when a serious accident or catastrophe occurs and the workplace – or parts of it – end up in a crisis situation. It could, for example, be a fire in the workplace, a bus accident with staff or students involved, or an individual death.

Important Emergency numbers

KTH's Emergency number:
08-790 7700

The number for KTH Södertälje’s security guards, group leader on call:

Other important numbers

Poison Information Center:
112 or 08-33 12 31

112, or 114 14 for non-emergency issues

Södertälje Hospital switchboard:
08-550 240 00

KTH Communications Strategist:
08-790 82 13

Drawn up by Magnus Wiktorsson 2014-03-07, revised by Jessica Matz 2024-02-22.

Each accident or catastrophe consists of a number of individual catastrophes for the persons individually affected and their immediate families. An individual death, sudden illness, or suicide is a catastrophic situation for those closest to that person.

Contacts for information sharing

Contacts IPU Management :

  • Head of Department, Magnus Wiktorsson:
    08-790 94 28
  • Administrative site manager, Jessica Matz: 08-790 9495, 073-461 81 95, 076-162 4405
  • Safety representative, Mikael Johansson,

ITM Crisis Response Organisation

  • Crisis communication: Ulrika Georgsson, 072-148 63 35
  • Crisis manager for employees: Elizabeth All, Unit Head HR ITM: 08-790 44 11
  • Back-up, employees: Christina Carlsson: 08-790 76 62, 070-571 81 86
  • Crisis manager students: Andreas Alm Arvidsson: 08-790 91 60, 070-797 9160
  • Back-up, students: Henrik Sahlström: 08-790 63 11, 070-090 63 11
  • Front Office, KTH Södertälje: 08-790 95 10

All staff at HPU can be reached through:

The students can be reached through the Programmme web (contact the administration )

The tasks of the KTH Södertälje Management Group in the event of a severe crisis is:

  • to organize measures that the situation that has arisen requires on site
  • to meet and respond to the media’s questions, or alternately to refer them to the press officer or Vice-Chancellor at KTH
  • to inform those working in the front office of what has happened so that they will always refer inquiries to Head of Department, KTH press officer, or alternately to the Vice-Chancellor for information
  • To inform staff and students of the actual situation.

Crisis manager at IPU Södertälje

Advice in the event of a crisis

This applies to all employees at KTH Södertälje.

1. Save lives

2. Sound the alarm.

  1. Call 112 during an event where external help is needed in the form of an ambulance, the fire brigade, or the police – indicate you are calling from KTH, give the address (Kvarnbergagatan 12, Södertälje) and the reason for the alarm.
  2. After that, always call the KTH emergency number, 08-790 77 00. Indicate the reason for the alarm, the address, and the telephone number you can be reached at so that KTH emergency services can call you back. You do not need to dial 00 to get an outside line when calling 112.
    1. For events that do not require an ambulance, the fire brigade, or the police, call only the KTH emergency number, 08-790 77 00, which is open around the clock. Indicate the reason for the alarm, the address, and the telephone number you can be reached at so that KTH emergency services can call you back. You can get advice as to what you should do immediately through the KTH emergency number. Contact is also arranged around the clock with:
      The KTH Crisis Management Group
      The Head of KTH Security
      The Head of KTH IT SecurityKTH Emergency Services on KTH Campus
      KTH security guards on KTH Campus, Campus Kista and KTH Södertälje, only during guard hours

3. Note what happens in a logbook

Print logbook here (pdf 45 kB)

  • time of conversation/message that came for you
  • name and phone number of person leaving message
  • what has happened
  • who has been injured or lost their lives
  • how, and by whom, what has occurred can be confirmed
  • what you are doing/have done 

4. Inform.

  1. Contact the Head of Department first.
  2. If he/she does not answer, contact Operations Controller and Heads of Units to inform them of what has happened.
  3. If you cannot get hold of any of these people, contact the Head of School, the Deputy Head of School, or the Human Resources Manager.
  4. Inform staff and / or students.

The person above who receives the information in turn contacts the Head of School or Vice Head of School and the Staff Manager, and informs other staff and/or students.

Advice in a severe crisis – shock phase

  • Provide simple, concrete, and clear information
  • Repeat what is being said
  • Be active in providing help: follow along, dial phone numbers, show the way, stay with those affected
  • Encourage those affected not to go home by themselves, drive a car, or do anything involving responsibility
  • Help with finding calm locations. See to it that those affected do not freeze (blankets are located in the staff room and in the rest areas) Provide warm drinks
  • Assemble the group at an isolated location. Do not let anyone go home immediately
  • Show care = rest, warmth, friendliness, carefulness, liquids
  • Let everyone talk about what happened – if they wish to. Listen without evaluating or controlling
  • Be honest with those affected and provide the information you have. Avoid looking for scapegoats
  • Protect against additional stress, strong impressions, the media and the public
  • Notify someone about mental and physical stress reactions
  • Provide the opportunity to contact close relatives/family (binders with contact information for employees can be found with Jessica and Kristina)
  • Make sure that everyone has contact with an adult upon arrival at homeduring the evening and night. Otherwise, arrange something with the contact network.
  • Determine a time and place for follow-up the next day

Advice during the reaction phase – when the first shock has subsided

  • Be there
  • Hold people
  • Give shelter to sorrow, fear, and so on
  • Provide information (even if there is no news, say so)
  • Show respect
  • Avoid evaluating
  • Show that you care, and listen
  • Give hope
  • For the supervisor in charge (Head of School or Head of Administrative Operations) to decide: bring in Avonova for expert support one day after the crisis. It may be difficult to determine who wants that kind of help

Advice for when the crisis has been handled

  • The Head of School is responsible for evaluating and improving all routines
  • The supervisor in charge (Head of School or Head of Administrative Operations) is responsible for picking out those who need extra support (approximately 1–3 months after)

Practical routines in the event of a fatality

The death of a student

When a student dies, the Head of School is responsible for informing the chair of the student union. If the Head of School cannot be reached, this is done by the Heads of Unit or the Director of Studies. The student union is responsible for sending flowers to the student’s immediate family and/or the funeral of the deceased. A condolence letter is sent from KTH via the Head of School. The Head of School is responsible together with the student union for sending information to teachers and students.

A memorial service will be arranged by the Head of School in consultation with the student union, and participation is facilitated.

Death of an employee

When an employee of KTH Södertälje dies, their immediate supervisor (Head of School or Heads of Units) is responsible, in consultation with the ITM Staff Manager, for contact with the immediate family, announcements (colleagues, students) and handling the KTH Web site (personal Web page, telephone number, e-mail) and for sending flowers to the funeral of the deceased and, if necessary, to the immediate family as well.

Flying of flags in the event of a death

Flying of flags is carried out by the security guards. Flags are flown at half-staff in the event of a death and in connection with funerals. In the event of fatality, the day it occurred or the day after. In connection with a funeral, on the day of burial. When this is finished, the flag is raised to the top of the staff, to be taken down either immediately or at the ordinary time.

Memorial service

A memorial service is conducted, in consultation with the immediate family, at KTH Södertälje as soon as is suitable. Up until the memorial service, a table will be placed at the entrance with lit candles and a memorial picture. The person responsible for the design of and invitations to the memorial service are primarily the Head of School, and secondly the Head of Unit, in consultation with a few members of the staff.

All those affected are welcome to the memorial service. Information on when and where the memorial service will take place must be announced so that the invitation reaches those affected. The Head of School or the immediate supervisor will contact the immediate family of the deceased, inform them of the memorial service, and extend them a special invitation.

Log book

Print logbook here (pdf 45 kB)

Log book