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Shock wave implosion and extreme conditions of fluids

Time: Mon 2021-12-06 15.15

Location: Faxén, Teknikringen 8

Video link: Zoom

Language: English

Participating: Michael Liverts

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Abstract: The properties of matter in extreme states have been and remain of considerable interest in various sciences. This presentation addresses one of the methods for generation of extreme conditions in fluids, namely shock wave implosion. It covers a brief overview of the state-of-the-art in the field from fundamental to applied, as well as past, present and future of the topic in KTH shock wave laboratory. The phenomenon of shock wave focusing leading to extreme conditions in fluids during microsecond time intervals is a spectacular example of mechanics at small length and time scales revealing major properties of shock dynamics including high-temperature gas phenomena and generation of ultra-high pressures. Theoretical, numerical and mostly experimental efforts to solve a variety of scientific questions including shocks in gases, liquids and gas-liquids systems, as well as associated experimental approaches are to be presented.