In vivo mätning av mekaniska egenskaper hos människans muskler och senor
Time: Wed 2022-01-26 15.15
Location: Zoom
Video link: zoomlänk
Language: Swedish
Participating: Ruoli Wang
Impaired motor function is one of the major disabilities and largely influence persons’ health-related quality of life. Mechanism of many motor disorder symptoms are often dual: a neural component and a biomechanical component linked to soft tissue changes. Their differentiation might be clinically difficult, however crucial, as two components often response to different medical interventions. This lecture focuses on experimental method development of in vivo skeletal musculo-tendon structure and mechanical property quantification. Various medical imaging modalities are adopted and infused with biomechanical tests to evaluate soft tissue property alternation due to neurological disorders. Comparison of different medical imaging modalities, imaging post-processing method and their clinical applications will be also discussed.