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University Administration for SCI

The SCI School's activities are supported by both local and university wide support. The local School's Office includes the Management Office, the ​School's Office for Student Affairs and Infrastructure and Department Support. The support functions HR, Finance and Communication are part of a KTH-wide university administration.

School's Office

The School's Office is responsible for, among other things:

  • Educational administration, study guidance, support in the establishment and monitoring of courses and programmes, etcetera.
  • Preparing decision basis for the Faculty Board.
  • Financial planning for the school's programmes. 
  • Planning and budgeting for the departments together with heads of department, and responsibility for budget work at school level.
  • Support to the School management.
  • Crisis management and security issues.
  • Service functions such as janitorial services, event support, support at public defences and minor purchasing. 
  • Administrative and infrastructure activities in departments and overall responsibility for departmental procurement.
  • Support to departments with certain personnel-related issues, operational planning, contract management and quality work.


The following units are part of the SCI School's Office:

Contact SCI School's Office 

Visiting address

Teknikringen 8, plan 5
100 44 Stockholm

Postal address:

KTH Teknikvetenskap
Skolkansli SCI
Teknikringen 8D
100 44 Stockholm

HannaSara Karlsson
HannaSara Karlsson Head of School's Office of Student Affairs +4687907588 Profile