KTH-led Nuclear Materials Platform receives 40 million SEK in funding

KTH has received funding for a new extensive project in nuclear energy technology. The platform for nuclear materials, NuMaP - Nuclear Materials Platform, receives about 40 million SEK from the Swedish Energy Agency. KTH will receive 17 million SEK.
"This collaboration strengthens KTH and Sweden's ability to conduct cutting-edge research in materials physics with applications for nuclear power. NuMaP will play an important role in preparing Sweden for a fossil-free future," says Pär Olsson, professor at KTH.
The Nuclear Materials Platform (NuMaP) is an innovation-enabling national project that can respond to several key challenges in the Swedish electrification process. The materials used for the critical components play an important part in the safety, economy and sustainability in the nuclear energy industry.
For current reactors, fuel efficiency and long-term operation are key challenges. For the emerging nuclear industry. including advanced reactors, materials research is an enabling force that drives innovation and opens new possibilities.
The project, which is led by KTH Royal Institute of Technology and coordinated by professor Pär Olsson, gathers researchers and industry from across the country working on nuclear materials . This will promote competence, exciting research and innovation output, public outreach as well as high scientific and societal impact.
“A unique aspect of the platform is that we have developed an accessibility program that allows researchers and institutes that are not part of NuMaP to apply for funding to carry out research projects with us,” Olsson says.
The initial partners in NuMaP are KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Uppsala University, Chalmers University of Technology, Linköping University, Luleå University of Technology, as well as Swerim, Blykalla and Westinghouse. The project receives 40 million SEK in total from the Swedish Energy Agency. (17 million SEK to KTH.)
“We are very happy to have received this funding and we look forward to welcoming more researchers and institutes to join us," Olsson says.
Text: Therese Elmgren ( telmgren@kth.se )