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Launch of KTH Data Repository – a new digital service for research

We are proud to announce the launch of KTH Data Repository – the place to save your high quality research data over time! Register if you want to join us on location or join by Zoom.

Time: Wed 2025-01-29 10.15 - 12.00

Location: D31

Video link: Zoom - no registration required

Language: English

Participating: Rosa Lönneborg, KTH Research Data

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Registration is required if you participate on-location

Graphic illustration about storing research data

If you are lacking a good long-term storage solution where you can deposit and archive data underlying your research results, you are most welcome to join this event for a presentation and optionally hands-on tutorial.

During the first 45 minutes we will present the new long-term storage solution where you can deposit and archive your research data. You will hear more on the new service KTH Data Repository and how to access it and use it for long-term storage in your research. It will also be possible to join in and listen to the presentation online.

After a short coffee-break you will be able to try out the new KTH Data Repository and get hands on-experience using it. You also get the opportunity to have a dialogue with research data advisors on how to integrate the KTH Data Repository into your research practice. If you want to participate in the hands-on session on-site, please register via the registration form and bring your laptop.

KTH Data Repository will offer up to 5Tb of long-term storage per project where you can archive the data needed to disseminate scientific results.

For nationally funded projects, data will be stored for at least 10 years after the project while storage will be offered for 15 years to EU-funded projects.

Data storage is expandable so more storage may be offered on request.

Welcome to join the event 29 January either online or on-location in room D31 if you want to participate during the hands-on practice.

Go directly to KTH Data Repository

Read more about research data