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Number of hits: 11

  • A new comprehensive approach is needed in wireless research

    Challenges in the industry are increasing as we move towards a digitalised society where everything needs to be connected. The competition for the rare earth metals required in our batteries is intensifying, the question of energy supply has come to the forefront, and there is also a significant equity aspect, with a large part of the world's population still lacking access to 5G mobile devices and the internet.

  • Finding pathways to better understanding

    Ragnar Thobaben’s areas of expertise are information theory and communication theory. In many ways, research in these areas has laid the foundations for the communication society of today and is now helping to address fresh challenges in emerging areas.

  • Awarded for best entry

    Future communication systems depend on antennas that are both directional and steerable to compensate for path loss. A boost in this work is done by doctoral student Pilar Castillo Tapia winner of the best poster at the recent Exeter Microwave Metamaterials Conference.

  • How to predict a conversation

    The SIGIDAL best paper award went to Erik Ekstedt and Gabriel Skantze from Speech, Music and Hearing (TMH). Their model learns to predict what will happen in the next two seconds of the conversation. The research improves the interaction between humans and conversational systems, such as social robots or voice assistants.

  • "Double-layer geodesic and gradient-index lenses"

    We met up with Professor Oscar Quevedo-Teruel and Dr Qiao Chen to congratulate their recent work,"Double-layer geodesic and gradient-index lenses" recently published in Nature Communications.

  • They won in competition with NASA

    We have talked to Oskar Zetterström and Pilar Castillo-Tapia, authors of the winning paper at the EuCAP 2022, Europe’s flagship conference on antennas and propagation. Their paper had tough competition, with, for example, a paper co-authored by TU Delft and NASA-JPL/Caltech amongst its competitors.

  • Research on generating a faster iteration and a more personal voice for digital assistants

    Shivam Mehta, doctoral student at the Division of Speech, Music and Hearing, congratulations on winning the Poster exhibition at the EECS Winter Conference.

  • Researchers unlock the secret to the brain's working memory

    New insights from brain science can lead to the development of artificial intelligence possessing cognitive abilities similar to humans.

  • Research behind the efficiency of mobile phone networks - one of the most highly cited

    The research behind using mobile phone masts with many small electrically steerable antennas has been included in Clarivate's annual Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers 2023 list. ”This is of course very exciting and honourable. Even if only my name is mentioned in this context, it is a team effort where many PhD students, postdocs and colleagues have contributed,” says Emil Björnson, Professor of Wireless Communication.

  • Humour - a key ingredient in software development

    Humour and cultural influences play an important role in most human relationships and, indeed, in software. Deepika Tiwari, a PhD student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, discovered this when, together with her supervisors Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus, professors of software engineering, she started to study whether humour and cultural references were present in different software projects.

  • MSc ICT Innovation (EIT Digital)

    The joint master's in ICT Innovation programme combines technical competences in the comprehensive field of Information and Communication Technology with strong skills in innovation and entrepreneurship. Students create an individual curriculum based on their interest in different areas of ICT and study at two European universities. Graduates receive a double degree and excellent qualifications for managerial posts in global markets.

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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Feb 09, 2024