Number of hits: 17
Data-driven bottlenecks analysis in factory
The Sustainable Transformation Seminars spring 2022 series, starts 18 March. The first of four seminars is held by lecturer Mukund Subramaniyan on "Data-driven bottlenecks analysis in factory". The format is 25 minutes presentation and 20 minutes of guided and open discussion with a KTH moderator/host.
Online workshop: Collaboration with Japan!
The KTH Energy Platform and the KTH Climate Action Centre are happy to invite KTH researchers at a workshop with the University of Kyushu. The Workshop will focus on three themes in parallel sessions. The aim is to share our work and latest/more impressive results and find ways forward for collaboration.
Rifo-besök: Forskning och innovation för ett uthålligt samhälle – i samverkan mellan akademi, näringsliv och politik
KTH bjuder in styrelsen för Rifo, Sällskapet riksdagsledamöter och forskare, till ett studiebesök. Syftet är att ge en övergripande bild av forskningsverksamhet och utbyte med näringsliv vid KTH och visa exempel på forskningsmiljöer och träffa forskare och nyckelpersoner vid KTH.
Workhop-WISE materials for sustainability: innovation and Infrastructure
The workshop assembles and exchanges opinions and visions on materials science for sustainability from both academic and business sectors.
Embedding circular concepts in a product: Does it sound easy?
The Sustainable Transformation Seminars spring 2022 series second seminar is held by speaker Santanu Singha, with the title "Embedding circular concepts in a product: Does it sound easy?". The format is 25 minutes presentation and 20 minutes of guided and open discussion with a KTH moderator/host.
Transforming the chemical industry to be sustainable: Can it be done?
The Sustainable Transformation Seminars spring 2022 series third seminar is held by speaker Dr Karim Engelmark Cassimjee, with the title "Transforming the chemical industry to be sustainable: Can it be done?". The format is 25 minutes presentation and 20 minutes of guided and open discussion with a KTH moderator/host.
BrainNet workshop
This hybrid workshop is aimed to appeal to researchers sharing an interest in network science, neuroscience, analysis of neural signals, and mathematical tools pertaining to these areas. The neuroscientific interest lies particularly in the diagnosis and prognosis of neurodegenerative diseases. The workshop days will take place in an inspiring environment and will be scheduled with ample time for discussion, thus maximizing the prospects of collaboration.
Matchmaking Event – Data Science and Medical/Clinical Research
Matchmaking event between researchers within Data Science and Medical/Clinical research at KTH and Region Stockholm, related to the Health, Medicine and Technology Project Call 2023.
Digital organizational readiness: Experiences from manufacturing companies
The Sustainable Transformation Seminars spring 2022 series fourth seminar is held by speakers Carla G. Machado and Anna Ericsson Öberg, with the title "Digital organizational readiness: Experiences from manufacturing companies". The format is 25 minutes presentation and 20 minutes of guided and open discussion with a KTH moderator/host.
Materials for a Sustainable World
KTH Materials Dialogue is an annual workshop for materials related research at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology. This year’s workshop, organised by the KTH Materials platform, will include scientific presentations under the topic Materials for a Sustainable World.
How the advancements in manufacturing automation are shaping a greener future
The Sustainable Transformation Seminars autumn 2022 series first seminar is held by speaker Antonio Maffei, with the title "How the advancements in manufacturing automation are shaping a greener future". The format is 25 minutes presentation and 20 minutes of guided and open discussion with a KTH moderator/host.
Digital servitization for sustainability - From stumbling blocks to stepping stones
The Sustainable Transformation Seminars autumn 2022 series second seminar is held by speaker Clarissa A. González Chávez, with the title "Digital servitization for sustainability - From stumbling blocks to stepping stones". The format is 25 minutes presentation and 20 minutes of guided and open discussion with a KTH moderator/host.
Metallic Additive Manufacturing: excitements and barriers
The Sustainable Transformation Seminars autumn 2022 series fourth seminar is held by speaker Rocco Lupoi , with the title "Metallic Additive Manufacturing: excitements and barriers". The format is 25 minutes presentation and 20 minutes of guided and open discussion with a KTH moderator/host.
KTH Energy Dialogue 2022 – Cooperation & Internationalization
KTH Energy Dialogue is an annual event arranged by the KTH Energy Platform. It is a celebration of energy research and an inclusive meeting point for dialogues on scientifically based solutions aiming at the global sustainable development goals (SDGs) and the national Agenda 2030 goals. The program highlights the width of research fields at KTH with a selection of topics vital for the transformation toward sustainability. Specifically for this year a keynote will be given on the world’s largest fusion experiment. Invited guest speakers will discuss the importance of international collaboration, cooperation between business, politics and academia and use business models for sustainable growth.
Autonomous transportation – Challenge in digitalisation and solution to sustainability?
Welcome to this KTH networking event, organized within Fordonsdalen. We will have stimulating presentations and interesting discussions around ideas on how to make future transportation more sustainable. Let’s discuss obstacles and solutions, and together identify research challenges and collaboration opportunities.
Human-Robot collaboration: Myth or reality?
The Sustainable Transformation Seminars autumn 2022 series third seminar is held by speaker Dario Antonelli, with the title "Human-Robot collaboration: Myth or reality?". The format is 25 minutes presentation and 20 minutes of guided and open discussion with a KTH moderator/host.
The food industry transformation
At least a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions come from the food sector. Therefore, a thorough adjustment of production, processing and consumption of the food we eat is needed. Food companies and the public sector have a great need for knowledge and innovation to cope with the transition. KTH Transformation Day 2022 will highlight the research at KTH that is already underway on the food industry's transformation, inspire more researchers to apply their own research to the food industry and highlight examples from the sector.