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Number of hits: 49

  • Building a bridge for knowledge exchange between KTH researchers and Swedish parliamentarians

    When KTH invited the board of Rifo, the Swedish Society of Parliamentarians and Researchers, on a study visit in May, the event was very well received. Members of the Swedish parliament were given an overview of KTH’s education, research and collaboration with society. The visit concluded with meetings with individual researchers in their labs and research environments. 

  • Driving the shift – Long-term partnerships for sustainable innovation 

    ITRL is a center located in the heart of the KTH Campus in Stockholm. The center studies the sustainability transformation of the transportation system in the light of automation, digitalisation, connectivity and electrification. The research center is founded jointly by KTH, Scania, Ericsson and Region Stockholm and facilitates collaboration in research and innovation projects, often with testbeds, live experiments and demonstrations.

  • Digital workshop opens new pathways to collaboration with Kyushu University

    In April, KTH Energy Platform, together with KTH Climate Action Centre, organised a digital workshop focusing on energy issues. More than 100 energy researchers from KTH and Kyushu University participated. Ideas for new collaborations were discussed and personal contacts were established between the two institutions.

  • Successful mingle between clinicians and data scientists during matchmaking event

    Almost 30 persons participated in the April matchmaking event in SciLifeLab between researchers within data science and medical/clinical research at KTH and Region Stockholm. The event was related to the Health, Medicine and Technology Project Call 2023, and there were several obvious matches between clinicians and data scientists.

  • Delegation paves the way for new research collaborations with the US

    In May, a delegation from KTH participated in a successful trip to the United States. During the trip, the group visited several universities and research labs in the eastern United States. The delegation included management representatives and partners.

  • More internationalisation and being a key bridge builder in national energy dialogue

    Here at the Energy Platform, we have strengthened and grown our international contact network during the year. We have also actively participated in national debates and dialogues throughout the spring. With the help of new contacts and knowledge, we are building bridges between disciplines and sectors that are helping to develop a sustainable society. 

  • Researchers provide answers in the energy debate

    The world’s energy system must be fundamentally transformed in the coming decades if we are to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change. At the same time, a highly polarised debate stands in the way of solutions. The KTH Energy Platform is now publishing an easy-to-read anthology designed to contribute to improved decision making and democratic information based on knowledge.

  • Yongkuk Jeong (Jake) new assistant professor in production logistics

    In 2021, Yongkuk Jeong (Jake) was appointed assistant professor in production logistics at the Department of Sustainable Production Development/ITM school. His research is focused on the digital services that can improve sustainability in production logistics.

  • Hi there Martin Edin Grimheden, new Industrial Transformation Platform Deptuty Director

    In mid-August, Martin Edin Grimheden/ITM School assumed his position as Deputy Director of KTH's research platform Industrial Transformation.

  • Martina Scolamiero new assistant professor in mathematics

    In 2019 Martina Scolamiero was appointed assistant professor in mathematics with specialisation in geometry and mathematical statistics in artificial intelligence at the Department of Mathematics/SCI school. Her focus is topology, the mathematical theory of proximity and connectivity, to extract geometric patterns in data, highlight interesting sub-groups or discover complex correlation patterns.

  • "Research is irrelevant if we can't communicate it"

    In November 2021, the KTH Energy Platform organized a poster competition during the KTH Energy Dialogue. Finally, I had the opportunity to share my research at a live event. Summarizing my research concisely and attractively in a poster turned out to be a tough row to hoe. Yet, interacting with the audience while presenting the poster was rewarding, and I got the contact details of a potential research partner. My sole intention with entering the competition had been to get feedback from other experts and develop a network for collaboration, so I was over the moon when Lina Bertling Tjernberg and Christophe Duwig announced me as one of the poster competition winners. The prize was a full day of communication training by the public science organization Vetenskap & Allmänhet (VA).

  • Call for abstracts – Swedish Microfluidics in Life Sciences Conference in May

    Submit your abstracts for the Swedish Microfluidics in Life Sciences Conference no later than 22 March 2023. SMILS 2023 is being co-organised by Stockholm University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology on 30-31 May 2023. 

  • The first KTH Transport Stories film released

    Today, the KTH Transport Platform releases the first of four short films called KTH Transport Stories. Transport Platform Director Magnus Burman interviews Nicole Kringos, former platform deputy director, who initiated and led the film project.

  • Transport Stories II – Transport in the information age – released

    Now, the second out of four Transport Stories – Transport in the information age – has been released.

  • Transport Stories III – Transportation Infrastructure – released

    Now, the third out of four Transport Stories – Transportation Infrastructure – has been released.

  • "KTH can contribute to creating something unique in the Stockholm region"

    Since 1 June 2022, Magnus Burman at the SCI school has been the new director of KTH's Transport Platform. He sees climate change as the most critical issue in the transport area and that the pace must increase in the transport system change. At the same time, academia, society and industry must keep pace, have a consensus and have a long-term perspective on the work of reducing environmental impact.

  • Autonomous transport systems can benefit both society and the climate

    20 September 2022 saw the network event entitled "Autonomous transportation – Challenge in digitalisation and solution to sustainability?" at KTH Campus. Attended by researchers and representatives of the commercial and government sectors, the event included presentations and discussions on the challenges and opportunities in this field.

  • New IPCC report 4 April: Industry and its transition are important for the climate

    On 4 April 2022, IPCC published a new report on the climate. It is the sixth in a row since 1990 and the latest since 2014. Unfortunately, this is not good news. We risk moving towards global warming of 3.2°C by 2100 (without strengthening policies beyond those implemented at the end of 2020). If we do not want this to become a reality, comprehensive, revolutionary and structural changes are needed in all countries and sectors. A change is required - and quickly. This is common knowledge; why is it going so slowly?

  • Inventory identifies new area of strength for Stockholm region's automotive industry

    In August 2022, Fordonsdalen Stockholm organised its second high-level meeting with Regional Chair Gustav Hemming (c) as chairman. During the meeting, it was discussed, among other things, that the interface between the automotive industry, the ICT sector and the broader mobility area has the potential to become a new area of strength for the Stockholm region.

  • Researcher of the week – Mikael Östling

    Once a week, researchers present themselves and how they contribute to the important industrial transformation for climate and competitiveness. This week’s researcher is Mikael Östling, Professor, Deputy President, and Fellow IEEE, School of EECS, Department of Electrical Engineering at KTH.

  • Call within Health, Medicine, and Technology - HMT 2024

    KTH and Region Stockholm are announcing a joint project call to develop research activities at the intersection between health, medicine and technology (HMT). Project funds can be granted for 1-3 years with up to SEK 1 million per project and year. The minimum amount to apply for is SEK 500,000.

  • "Singing shower" won this year’s poster competition

    The poster exhibition during the KTH Energy Dialogue 2022 ended with an award ceremony where three projects were rewarded for their presentations. The prize is a day’s communication training at Public & Science and "The singing shower" poster was the first runner up.

  • Dialogue contributes to securing skills needed for a sustainable energy system

    The energy sector is facing a skills shortage in several areas. The need to improve diversity and equality is especially pressing. In December, KTH Energy Platform held a networking meeting and discussions to help identify various solutions to these issues. “The aim of the event was to continue to build dialogue to find solutions to today’s skills shortages,” said Lina Bertling Tjernberg, KTH Energy Platform Director.

  • KTH Energy Platform welcomes Sweden’s EU presidency and the new KTH president

    Energy supply is still in focus and the KTH Energy Platform wants to be a platform for knowledge and contribute to innovative and strategic solutions. The platform director comments the situation in the first semester interview of the year.

  • Meet the researchers behind new storage solutions for hydrogen and spent nuclear fuel

    The Energy Platform’s last study visit of the year was to the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering at the School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE). During the visit, participants met researchers working on a range of areas ranging from storage of spent nuclear fuel, hydrogen storage, and the construction of hydroelectric dams.

  • Knowledge platform from KTH researchers provide solutions for Europe's energy challenges

    At last! A new semester is underway and we can meet to share experiences, knowledge and find new collaborations. KTH Energy Platform will be involved in several major events during the autumn.

  • Popular new science anthology on energy set to become knowledge platform 

    When researchers from KTH got together with independent Swedish non-profit membership organisation VA (Public & Science), the result was a popular science book about energy that has received a lot of attention. A webinar was recently held to provide more details about the book and give anyone interested in the project the chance to ask questions. 

  • Researchers on the transformation towards sustainable energy

    Can economic growth be sustainable, is the transition to a fossil-free future achievable and what is the biggest change researchers want to see by 2040? These are some of the questions that were answered at the KTH Energy Dialogue.

  • Magnus Burman new KTH Transport Platform Director from 1 June

    Annika Stensson Trigell, Vice President for Research, has decided that Magnus Burman at the SCI School will be appointed the new director of the KTH Transport Platform from 1 June 2022 until 31 May 2025.

  • Gender equality and the transport sector transformation were discussed with the Minister

    On 30 May, the Transport Platform's new director, Magnus Burman, and others participated in a meeting with Minister for Infrastructure Tomas Eneroth. During the meeting, challenges and opportunities to increase gender equality in the transport and automotive industries were discussed, as well as the need of transforming the transport ecosystem at all levels.

  • "Our success is based on scientific curiosity"

    12 research groups with different focus work at the Department of Gene Technology. The common denominator is their way of working with method development, mainly in medical problems. ”One of the reasons for us being a top department is that we ourselves decide what we are going to research," says Peter Savolainen, Head of Department at Gene technology and KTH Life Science Platform Director.

  • Energy issues more important than ever in 2022

    Hello there, Lina Bertling Tjernberg, KTH Energy Platform Director! What’s your take on the past year?

  • Collaboration and internationalisation top the agenda at this year’s KTH Energy Dialogue

    This year’s KTH Energy Dialogue, which is organised within the auspices of the KTH Energy Platform, attracted a full house at Nymble. The event focused on collaboration and internationalisation, themes that were picked up in four panel discussions.

  • Solar cells and non-toxic batteries in the spotlight during KTH Energy Platform’s CBH visit

    In October, KTH Energy Platform visited the School of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health, (CBH), and the Department of Applied Physical Chemistry in particular. During the visit, there were demonstrations of advances in tandem solar cells using perovskite, along with advances in materials for more durable batteries.

  • Energy Platform Director Lina Bertling Tjernberg inducted IVA Fellow

    KTH Energy Platform Director Lina Bertling Tjernberg has been inducted as a new Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA). She is also a Professor in Power Grid Technology at KTH. Now, she will be one of 39 new IVA Fellows, which consist of researchers and experts in the private and public sectors.

  • Solar energy, fusion and international co-operation in focus at this year's KTH Energy Dialogue

    The theme of KTH Energy Dialogue 2022, which will be held on 17 November between 1pm and 4pm, is co-operation and internationalisation. This year’s panel discussions will focus on the importance of international co-operation between business, politics and academia. The keynote speaker is Richard Pitts from ITER, the world’s largest fusion project.

  • KTH puts the food industry in focus for a sustainable transformation

    More than 140 people from academia and industry gathered at KTH in October 2022 to discuss the transformation of the food industry. The food industry accounts for a quarter of carbon dioxide emissions and is thus facing a gigantic transition, from production, transport to changed eating habits. Many participants reflected on how important it is that KTH now takes the initiative and leads the transition.

  • The food industry transformation discussed during platform day

    11 October 2022 was KTH’s Transformation Day, this year on the theme of transformation in the food industry. The aim was to highlight how the food industry is being transformed for climate and competitiveness and how this transformation is supported by research at KTH. More than 140 participants joined the transformation day together with invited parties from the food sector to discuss their activities and needs, and provided examples of sustainable food production and sustainable business models. 

  • Scania and KTH sign new partnership agreement for innovation and sustainability

    Scania and KTH have signed a new partnership agreement, with innovation and sustainability in focus. The two have a long tradition of research cooperation, but with the new upgraded partnership Scania and KTH aims to strengthen innovation, research and development and sustainable production in the Stockholm Region.

  • Adam Darwich new assistant professor in health systems engineering

    In 2019, Adam Darwich was appointed assistant professor in health systems engineering at the Department of biomedical engineering and health systems/CBH. His research focus is in modelling and simulation methods to inform decision-making in healthcare and pharmaceutical research.

  • Energy Platform visits KTH Live-In Lab smart building testbed

    At the end of August, the Energy Platform visited the KTH Live-In Lab, which provides researchers and companies with opportunities to test new technologies for smart buildings, in particular systems designed to develop more sustainable energy systems.

  • KTH Energy Platform visits the lab where sustainable materials are being designed for the future

    KTH Energy Platform’s visit to the Department of Materials Science and Engineering included a well-received tour of labs and research centres. This is where new materials, methods and products are created with properties that are tailored for a more sustainable future.

  • In DI debate: Every new crown invested must be circular

    "It is time for the government to show circular leadership and look beyond the ballot box in September," claims representatives of the Delegation for Circular Economy, which includes Monica Bellgran, Director of the KTH Industrial Transformation Platform.

  • Martin Grimheden new Deputy Director of the Industrial Transformation Platform

    Vice President for Research Annika Stensson Trigell has decided that Martin Grimheden at the ITM School will be given a mandate to act as Deputy Director of KTH's research platform Industrial Transformation from 15 August 2022 to 14 August 2025.

  • Debate article about the climate crisis

    "Enough now, politicians - take the climate crisis seriously. What is it that you don't understand?". That is the introduction to a debate article that 1,944 Swedish researchers and employees in the research world, of which 81 from KTH, signed in Aftonbladet today. One of the researchers from KTH is Monica Bellgran, Director of the KTH Industrial Transformation Platform.

  • “Nuclear power is now being taken seriously as a sustainable energy option”

    Public resistance to nuclear power was strong when Professor Janne Wallenius began developing the technology for small, lead-cooled nuclear reactors. But times have changed, and ten years down the line there is increasing support for his project. “The plan is that a factory in Sweden will be able to deliver serial-produced reactors to the market in just ten years,” says Janne Wallenius. He is the recipient of the KTH Innovation Award 2022.

  • Production Angels South launched in Lund

    Through a new collaboration between KTH, Södertälje Science Park and Ideon Innovation, the program Production Angels Sound will be launched in Lund this autumn. The program supports startups of hardware products in scaling up their production together with Swedish producers. Production Angels has been developed and arranged in Södertälje for several years and is now expanding. Lund is the first node, and the goal is to develop a number of nodes within the next 5-year period. The national expansion of Production Angels is funded by Vinnova.

  • Autonomous transportation workshop recordings live

    20 September 2022, KTH Digitalization and Transport platforms held a networking event, organized within Fordonsdalen. There were stimulating presentations and interesting discussions around ideas on how to make future transportation more sustainable. The presentations were recorded and are now available.

  • Lina Bertling Tjernberg among the most influential figures in Swedish energy sector

    KTH Energy Platform Director, Lina Bertling Tjernberg, has been included on this year’s Energy Power List, which was announced at Dagens industri’s Energy Day in Almedalen.

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Last changed: Feb 09, 2024