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Support with proposals
The Research Support Office (RSO) provides your support and expertise in all phases of your research project, from preparation, initiation, application, and the contract phase to execution and reporting.
Online event: Designing the excellence, impact and implementation sections of your Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MCSA) proposal
Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MCSA) offers funding to recruit postdoctoral fellows to your team at KTH to conduct research in any scientific domain for up to two years. Welcome to this online event for fellows and supervisors on how to outline best practices in designing the proposal's excellence, impact and implementation sections.
Seminar: What you need to know to win an ERC
Even though there are as many ways to write a proposal to the European Research Council as there are applicants, experience says there are better ways than others. The ERC is very competitive and by being strategic you can make your proposal stand out.