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Webinar: "Alternatives to proctored written examinations - online exam or alternative assessment methods?"

(This webinar will be held in Swedish) As the current Covid-19 pandemic will prevent on campus proctored written exams during the Spring term what are the alternatives. The Department of Learning in Engineering Sciences will hold a one hour session to discuss some of the issues and solutions to assessing course learning outcomes.

Time: Mon 2020-04-06 12.00 - 13.00

Location: Online, Zoom

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During the seminar we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of some alternatives to written exams, as well as methods for structuring and administering successful take-home examinations. Topics such as time efficiency, possibility of cheating, and equitable and just assessment will also be discussed.

This webinar will be very similar to the previous webinar given on the 30th of March. And, this time in Swedish.
Speakers: Ida Naimi-Akbar and Arnold Pears.

Place: Online via Zoom, use this link:

(This webinar will be held in Swedish and also be recorded)

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Last changed: Apr 01, 2020