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We give user support and develope methods and tools for digital learning at KTH.

* means that the link leads to another part of the KTH intranet. 

E-learning at KTH

Short facts about E-learning

  • The E-learning team consists of three parts: DL (Digital learning), IT and the support.
  • In 2021 there was 1588 published, active course rooms in Canvas. 
  • In 2022 the E-learning team handeled 3755 support tickets in total. 

The E-learning management object is a joint activity between the Digital Learning division and the IT department. The management has a central task to maintain and develop the digital learning environment at KTH. E-learning is responsible for several systems, including Canvas.

We manage and provide support for KTH's use of digital learning tools. We also conduct recurring seminars, workshops and courses and provide personal coaching to teachers via personal meeting or e-mail.

Development of digital tools at KTH 

Changes to the digital learning environment are carried out as projects involving coworkers from the division as either project managers or participating from an educational perspective. Coworkers from the IT department participates in the investigative work and leads the system development.

Current projects at the moment concern, for example, KTH's personal menu, the program web and KTH Transfer to Ladok.

E-learning calendar

Contacts us if you have questions about KTH's digital learning environment

Email  if you have questions of an educational nature. We will respond within 2 working days.

Email  for technical support. 

Visiting address Digital learning: Lindstedtsvägen 30, Plan 5Ö, KTH Campus Valhallavägen

Visiting address IT: Drottning Kristinas väg 48, KTH Campus Valhallavägen

Visiting address IT-support: KTH Entré, Drottning Kristinas väg 4, KTH Campus Valhallavägen