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Support, advice and guidelines for examinations at KTH courses.

* means that the link leads to another part of the KTH intranet. 

Digital examination

For digital examinations with registration in Ladok, assignments must be carried out in examination rooms in Canvas , not in course rooms in Canvas.

KTH's training for examiners

The Qualification course for examiners allows you to acquire or update your knowledge of the current rules and guidelines governing examinations and the role of the examiner in order to be able to act correctly as an examiner. During the course, you will learn more about legal certainty, outcome-based, assessment of equal value, and become familiar with KTH's local regulations regarding course syllabuses and examinations.

The Qualification course for examiners is in Canvas

More information can be found at Qualification Course for Examiners .

More support regarding examination

On the following pages in KTH's intranet, you will find additional support relevant to examination.

Contact, support och FAQ

For technical questions about the examination tools, please contact .

For administrative questions, please contact the education administration at your school, which can also assist with any communication of exam setups to Tentafunka. If you don't know who to contact, you can find contact persons for each school on the page Contacts for examination .

For questions about students' compensatory support in relation to various forms of examination, please contact .

For pedagogical support about digital examination, please contact .

FAQ for teachers: Frequently asked questions about examination