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Exams with computers on campus

Have you developed a digital examination that you want to carry out with supervision on campus? Then you can use a computer room or ask the students to bring their own computers. Here you can read about what applies to the different ways to conduct an exam on a computer on campus with supervision by an exam invigilator.

When it is suitable to carry out an exam with computers on campus

Exams or partial exams conducted on a computer has many advantages. In addition to the administrative benefits of giving answers digitally, students appreciate being able to write answers in the environment they are used to working in and avoid having to worry about, for example, readability. The digital environment offers greater opportunities in the design of exams than, for example, ordinary paper, while it may be easier to meet the needs of students with compensatory support. Compared to a home exam, the student's access to other programs on the computer can be controlled and it is possible to combine digital security with an exam invigilator in the room.

Challenges when examining with a computer on campus

Exams in computer rooms are limited to the number of seats; there are not as many computer room seats as ordinary seats for examination. It is also important to remember that access to power outlets vary in ordinary halls for exams where students bring their own computers. Some procedural skills are difficult to effectively account for on a computer. Then a good alternative to the exam in the computer room can be to use Scanned exams to Canvas , where students write the exam in regular rooms on paper but the assessment is carried out digitally.

Use computer rooms or the students' own computers

It is possible to complete a writing in a computer room or in a regular room where students are asked to bring their own computers. However, both alternatives require different considerations and compensatory support for the examination.

Examination in computer rooms

The advantage of writing in a computer room compared to using the students' own computers is that the computers in the rooms can be locked down so that the student only has access to the exam and can not communicate with others through the computer or get help from the internet. There are limited places in computer rooms at KTH. The computers in the computer rooms are also placed close to each other, and you must decide how many of the computers you can use, i.e. how close the students can sit. The design of the examination with, for example, random questions can enable more computers to be used.

Book the halls well in advance and consider whether you can carry out the examination in several steps so that, for example, half the group writes before the other half. By deciding that all students must stay the entire writing time, the chance for the students in the first and second group to talk to each other is minimized. Another alternative is for students to receive randomly selected questions from a question bank. 

Examinations in computer rooms during the exam period are booked in the same way as campus exams, but starting at 09.00 or at 14.00. Partial exams in computer rooms outside of the exam period are booked with a start time of 13.00 primarily, otherwise at 09.00. The rooms are also booked an hour before, so they are avaliable for IT staff and exam invigilators to enter.

Routines for digital examination with lockdown

On the KTH Digicertus Exam  pages you will find concrete information and detailed guides for conducting examinations in the computer room with lockdown. The pages are intended for examiners, local administrative support, and teacher support and provides links to specific guides for each role. 

Examination in lecture hall for students with their own computers

Bring your own device (BYOD) solutions are allowed to be used if continuous examination on campus is allowed without an exemption procedure, or after an approved exemption to conduct a final exam on campus. In the case of a BYOD solution, students who want or do not have a computer must be offered the opportunity to write in a computer room. Do not forget to check that the intended writing room has power outlets so that all students can get electricity for their computers and to book the computer room that will be available for those who need it.

The writing room should be opened before the exam begins so that technical problems can be solved before the writing time. For example, if a student's computer does not start, they have time to go to the booked computer room to write there instead. For more information on what should be prepared, read the information above about what "to consider with computer-based examination on campus".

To consider with computer-based examination on campus

Extra time for the technical equipment

Plan extra time before and after the exam to make room for the technical equipment to start up. If you are in a computer room, all students must log in to the computer and possibly start the lockdown solution and find the exam. If the students have their own computers, they need to be started up, possibly connected to an electrical source and the students need to find the exam before the writing begins. It can also be the case that a computer does not start and then it is good to have some time to find an alternative solution.

Gest assistance from local support

Plan the examination time within the opening hours of IT support or talk to your local support. The local support at your school can possibly also help with booking a room, being or booking exam invigilators etc. From experience, the digital part mainly needs support at start-up, once the writing is underway, the technology usually works smoothly.

Inform invigilators

The exam invigilator’s responsibility is, just as during regular campus exams, to visually monitor the students. The technology is handled by the examiner, the local support or another support person connected to the exam. The invigilator is expected to keep a log of any toilet visits and walk around and check the students' identification. In summary, the invigilator handles the exam just as in a regular campus exam. The routine for how and when students are admitted to the computer room is extra important to inform the examiners about. With a solution where students bring their own computers, it is recommended that students have at least 15 minutes before the start of the exam to get ready in their place in the room.

If there are problems with the technology only the examiner can decide that the exam should be conducted in an alternative way. During previous exams in computer rooms, concerns from invigilators have been common when the technology has been slow to start. This has led to uncertain improvised bad solutions, so it is important to inform the invigilators and emphasize that only the examiner can decide to conduct the exam in an alternative way.

Support from Funka for students with compensatory support

The regular routine for approving support also applies to digital exams on campus. On the page How to manage compensatory support when examining students with disabilities , you will find a guide with appendices that describe the most common compensatory support for students with documented permanent disabilities at KTH and the general routine for handling support. Read more about support on the page Funka's recommendations regarding management of support during remote examination .

Contact and support for examination

Do you have questions about examination? There are contact persons for planning and coordinating examinations at each school, and you can also get help with digital arrangements from E-learning.

Contacts for examination