Checklist for conducting examinations
This checklist contains what you need to keep in mind when it comes to conducting examinations. The page is aimed at examiners, but in many cases the tasks can be delegated to others.
Before examination
Design the examination
Design the examination so that you can assess whether the students meet the intended learning outcomes for the course. Different forms of examination are suitable for different subject content and intended learning outcomes.
On KTH's pages about examinations, you can find recommendations and examples of different forms of examination. Take inspiration from KTH's Examples of examination solutions .
Rules regarding examination
Stay up to date on the regulations regarding examination at KTH. See for example:
- Guideline on course syllabus, grading system and examination at all levels (pdf)
- Guideline on written on-campus exam (pdf)
Coaching for digital examination
If you want guidance regarding digital tools and methods and discuss a possible new examination arrangement, you can contact . Mark your case: examination guidance.
Prepare Canvas and other systems
Prepare Canvas and other systems for examination. How much preparation is required depends on the form of examination. Remember to inform about the examination on Canvas even if it takes place outside the learning platform. If the examination has compulsory registration in Ladok, the examination room must be used for digital examination.
The systems that are to be used for the examination need to be prepared. Remember to not introduce new systems for the examination that the students have not worked in before.
Your school's local support can help check your preparations in, for example, Canvas and Zoom.
Examination in Canvas, checklist
The checklist before examination in Canvas helps you remember everything that needs to be prepared in Canvas. You can read about:
- Management of the examination room.
- Creating material in Canvas, using assignments and/or quizzes.
- Anonymous assessment and assessment with and without outcomes.
- Planning for assessment and reporting the final grade.
Checking premises
It is the examiner's responsibility to check that any rooms that have been booked are suitable for the examination to be performed. Local support can help check that the premises are in order before the examination.
Coordinate with resources and support
If your form of examination involves support resources, make sure they have the information they need. Below are some examples of resources that may be relevant.
Exam invigilators
Make sure that any exam invigilators receive the same information as students and are informed about how any technical or physical problems are to be dealt with.
IT support
If you are planning a digital examination where IT support may be needed, it must be planned during IT support's regular opening hours . If there are many students who are to complete a digital examination, IT support appreciates if you inform them of this in advance.
Check what support students need for the examination and coordinate with Tentafunka. You can see which Funka codes are relevant for your course in the service Course Participants .
Read more about managing support for students with disabilities .
Local support
Local support can help with e.g. meeting hosts for zoom attendance, booking of oral examination, start-up for exams in computer rooms and handling Funka support.
Inform students
Inform students about how the examination is designed and what applies during it. Read more about what information you should share with students .
During the examination
Be available for questions
It is important that you as an examiner are available for questions from students during the examination. This can be done in different ways depending on the form of examination. For example, visiting exam rooms is suitable for proctored campus exams.
If the examination takes place over a longer period (e.g. a home examination during the span of one week), it is good to be available via email and/or telephone. It may also be appropriate to have scheduled question and answer sessions, digitally or on campus.
Keep in mind that any ambiguities that are discovered need to be clarified for all students.
Carry out an identity check
During the course, an identity check should be carried out at least on one examination occasion to ensure that the right student is linked to the performance. For certain forms of examination, identification checks are performed by support functions, for example during proctored campus exams. In the case of an oral examination or a presentation, identification checks are most easily performed by the person holding the examination.
Acceptable forms of identification at KTH
Zoom presence can be used during home exams to perform identification checks and follow the students' work with the examination to counteract cheating.
After examination
Assess and give feedback to students
Regardless of the form of examination, it is recommended that feedback takes place in Canvas. As an examiner, you can choose to import scanned paper exams to Canvas for digital assessment. Canvas offers a number of ways to provide feedback, for example you can use Outcomes , grading schemes and/or SpeedGrader . Read more about assessing documents in Canvas .
Feedback and results must be given to students no later than 15 working days after the examination was completed.
Transfer results to Ladok no later than 15 days after the examination
Results must be reported to Ladok no later than 15 working days after the examination was completed. If you have done the assessment in Canvas, you can use to easily transfer the results to Ladok.