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Examination room in Canvas

All types of activity sessions in Ladok generate examination rooms in Canvas where the examination can be prepared according to the examiner's wishes. The examination rooms are created with a common template, and for easier handling of for example extended writing time, each examination room is created with a special section for students with compensatory support.

How examination rooms are created

Every night, examination rooms are created in Canvas based on the activity sessions created in Ladok. The rooms are created for all activity sessions that fall within the next 60 days. All types of activity sessions in Ladok get an examination room.

The examination rooms in Canvas are based on a simple template to facilitate the implementation of the examination and create a common foundation. The examiner for each course is granted access to the examination course room and can find it in their personal menu.

The rooms are unpublished in Canvas and are published by the examiner only if they are to be used. Students can only see the room when it is published. Any teachers for the course needs to be invited by the examiner to see the room.

The examination rooms are named in the following format: MH1027 TEN1 [2022-04-19] Written exam. For combined examination rooms, it will instead be: MH1027 TEN1 & AB1234 TENA [2022-04-19] Written exam.

Example: Exam listed in Ladok

If you are going to carry out an digital exam, you fill the room with intended content. As exams have compulsory registration, the examination room must be used when the exam is conducted digitally. It is a way to ensure that only registered students have access to the examination assignment.

Students with compensatory support from Funka are in a separate section in the examination room so it for example becomes easier to handle extended writing time in Canvas assignments. The room is also prepared with some content (for example a quiz with the Code of Conduct) and settings to help you get started quickly and efficiently.

It is mandatory to use the room when the exam has compulsory registration in Ladok but it is not a must to use the room's suggested structure, you can remove the content and add your own material completely to your liking.

Working with the examination room in Canvas

Example: Partial exam listed in Ladok

When the partial exam is carried out digitally, we recommend that you use the room to make it clear for the students where they are supposed to get information. It also provides easier handling of students with compensatory support from Funka and the students who are to be examined in the course but are not included in the regular course room in Canvas. If you want to use the room, fill it with intended content.

The examination room is prepared with some content (for example a quiz with the Code of Conduct) and settings to help you get started quickly and efficiently. Please note that these are only recommendations. It is not mandatory to use the room's suggestions, you can remove the content and add your own material completely to your liking.

Learn more about digital partial exams .

Example: Laboration listed in Ladok

If you are going to carry out a laboration, and it's listed in Ladok, a room will automatically be created. If you do not need to use the room, just ignore it, i.e. then you just leave the room unpublished.

Students are added

The students are transferred to the room in Canvas when they register for the exam or activity session in Ladok. The first sync is run when registration for the activity session is closed in Ladok. Students who are added after the registration period has closed are synced continuously to the examination room. Check with the administrator if you as an examiner want a specific occasion when the students will first be in the Canvas exam room.

When the students are registered in Ladok and the administrator has set the application period to a past date, students are transferred to Canvas during the next night. Note that students only see the room when it is published and that in these rooms students can't see other students or student groups that are included in the same room since the tab People is blocked for students.

Students who deregister from the exam are removed from the Canvas room.

Management of students who are to re-take the exam to raise their grade (“plussning” in Swedish) is included in this flow now. Talk to your administrator to manage these.

Students with compensatory support

Students with compensatory support from Funka are in a separate section in the examination room "the exam room's name - Section 2" so that it is easier to see which students are supposed to get support. Note that not all students with compensatory support are eligible for extended writing time. In the service "course participants" you can see which different support the students are recommended by Funka.

Funka's recommendations regarding support during examination .

It is not optional for the student which section they will belong to. If the student is registered at Funka, the student will and shall for administrative reasons be placed in the section with the name: "the exam room's name - Section 2".

Working with the room and the examination

All examination rooms are created with a simple template to facilitate the implementation of the examination and create a common foundation. The template is in English, but if your course is held in Swedish and you want your examination room to be in Swedish, you can download a Swedish version of the template from Canvas Commons. In order to stipulate that the code of conduct must be handled by the student before the examination itself and structure the room with modules, there is an alternative template, KTH's module-based examination rooms template.

Read more about how to work with the examination room on the pages:

Access and sections

Examiners are not able to add students, but can add other teachers and colleagues to the examination room so that they can help with the preparation and implementation of the examination. There are quick guides on how the examiner can add colleagues , how to add extended writing time  for students who are eligible for it and how to assess with Canvas SpeedGrader .

There are two sections in every examination room, “the exam room's name - Section 1" and "the exam room's name - Section 2". This division is because it supports administration, mainly regarding handling students with compensatory support.

Any editing of the sections means that students are no longer synced into the examination rooms and relates to it for administrative handling of different students. The sections in the examination rooms are therefore not allowed to be edited, more sections may not be created and they are not to be changed in any other way. The First and Second Cycle Education Committee wants examination rooms with this structure of sections to be used in order for the administrative processes around examination to work.

Deactivation of examination rooms

To make it easier to find active rooms, examination rooms are closed 60 days after the examination takes place. The rooms are still visible but they are read-only for students, which means that the possibility to submit new things will be locked, for example. This is done to make it easier for people with many Canvas rooms to find the rooms that are active.

If you wish to use an examination room after it has been closed, you can reactivate it under the course settings, "Course details" and the setting of dates at "Ends". On the page Routine for old course rooms in Canvas , you can read more about deactivating Canvas rooms. Contact  if the setting is locked or if you want more help.


As a result of the work on the digitalisation of the education, regular updates are made regarding, among other things, the connection between Ladok's activity sessions and Canvas. During the spring 2020, exam rooms in Canvas were handled manually. Earlier in September 2020, an automated solution was created for the creation of KS rooms in Canvas based on activity sessions in Ladok.

In the spring of 2021, all types of activity sessions in Ladok began generating examination rooms in Canvas and a routine for unpublishing examination rooms was introduced. In the autumn of 2021, it became possible to read and assess handwritten on-campus exams digitally in the examination rooms in Canvas.

Contact and support for examination

Do you have questions about examination? There are contact persons for planning and coordinating examinations at each school, and you can also get help with digital arrangements from E-learning.

Contacts for examination