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KTH's module-based examination room template

This template is an alternative to the standard exam room template. The template uses modules to require students to handle the code of conduct and exam instructions before the exam itself. The teacher needs to download this template from Canvas Commons, enter exam questions in the correct module and supplement with course-specific information.

Examination room template – based on modules

The template comes with two modules, the first for the code of conduct and instructions, the second for the exam text. The modules are set up so that students must confirm the code of conduct and read the pre-exam instructions before they have access to the exam text. To be able to lock modules in this way, there must be material in the respective module, therefore the template also comes with an empty assignment.

You need to download the template from Canvas Commons. The template is available in a Swedish and an English version and you will find them by searching for "KTH Template Examination room - Module based". Read more on the page Download a template from Canvas Commons.

How to use the code of conduct

All exam rooms come with a code of conduct that you are advised to use. The purpose of the code of conduct is to inform students about what is permitted during examinations. Read more about how you can use the code of conduct on the page Code of conduct for examination at KTH.

Wondering how exam rooms are created?

You can read more about how examination rooms are created, when they are used, who gets access to them and how they are unpublished on the page Examination room in Canvas.

Start working in a sandbox

We recommend that you create assignments or quizzes in a sandbox and then move them to the examination room. This way, there are greater opportunities to test the setup and get feedback from colleagues. A sandbox also gives you the opportunity to start work on the examination before the examination room is created. Read more about working in a Sandbox.

Manage the examination room before the exam

Very briefly, the following needs to be done in the examination room well in advance of the examination:

  1. Import the template into the exam room according to the guide Download a template from Canvas Commons.
  2. Create assignments or quizzes, or move them from your sandbox to your exam room.
  3.  Add your assignments or quizzes to module two, the one without the code of conduct.
  4. Check the grading schemes for assignments and quiz, if used. More information can be found on the page Letter grades and grading schemes.
  5. Set correct availability dates and times for assignments, quizzes and the code of conduct.
  6. Edit the home page and the conditioned information page (in module one).
  7. Publish the room and its contents.
  8. Review with student view.

This is explained in more detail in the instructions page that comes with the template. The following checklist explains points 5 to 8 in more detail and also covers other important things to check before the exam: Before examination – checklist for Canvas.

Template content

The modular template has the following content:

  • A suggestion for the start page.
  • A quiz with the code of conduct and a suggestion for an information page that must be read before the exam.
  • Two modules where the content of the first module must be completed before the material in the second module becomes available. The exam instructions and the code of conduct are placed in the first module.
  • Simplified course menu, only showing "Home", "Modules" and "Grades". "Announcements" are prepared to be shown as soon as a message is posted there.
  • Course settings and assessment overview to fit the examination.
    • "Manually Post Grades" is chosen so that the examiner controls when the assessment is to be published for the students.
    • Anonymous grading and anonymous teacher annotations are activated in the Canvas room so that the functions can be selected when assignments are created.
    • The "Course grading scheme" is activated and set to KTH's standard.
    • "Hide totals in student grades summary" is pre-selected so that no incorrect grade is communicated to the students.