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KTH's Canvas template for freestanding courses

For those who hold freestanding courses, there is a customized course room template that contains extra guidance for students who are not used to KTH and Canvas. The template is based on the course room template and also contains a module with resources for new KTH students and suggestions for introduction forums.

Get the template from Canvas Commons

If you want to use the template, you can find it in Canvas Commons. Search for "KTH Template Freestanding courses". The template is available in both Swedish and English.

Download a template from Canvas Commons

Template adapted for inexperienced students

KTH's Canvas template for freestanding courses is adapted to provide extra help to students who take individual courses at KTH. These students may not have used Canvas before and the studies often take place in parallel with full-time work. Therefore, it is extra important to have a clear structure in the course room so that it is easy to find information, materials and assignments.

The template is based on the usual course room template

To make it easier for teachers, the template for freestanding courses is based on the usual course room template. The settings are the same and for general advice on handling the template, we recommend the instructions for that template.

KTH:s kursrumsmall i Canvas

Module with resources for new KTH students

The template contains a module called "Welcome to KTH - resources for new students". The module includes:

  • Introduction to Canvas
  • Useful links for students
  • Test assignment where students can see what it is like to submit an assignment
  • Test quiz where students can test different types of quiz questions
  • Information about adding a course certificate to LinkedIn after the completed course.

The module does not need to be edited, it is ready to use and therefore already published when importing the template.

Extended introduction module with discussion forum

As with the regular course room template, there is a module for introducing the course. However, this is extended and contains, among other things, examples of discussion forums that you can use to let the students introduce themselves to each other. Allowing the students to introduce themselves creates a context in the course and is especially good for courses that have very few or no physical meetings.

There are two suggestions on discussion forums, one simpler and one more advanced. The simpler one asks students to answer a few questions in text while the more advanced one asks students to make a presentation video.