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Assess results from New Quizzes in Canvas

This guide describes how you prepare and grade New Quizzes in SpeedGrader. The guide shows step by step how you manually grade questions, regrade automatically graded questions and adjust points. Please note that results from quizzes cannot be handled in the same way as submissions from a Canvas assignment.

Structure of the guide

The guide is divided into five parts:

  1. Before you start.
  2. How the quiz is displayed in SpeedGrader.
  3. Manual grading of individual parts.
  4. Make any necessary adjustments.
    • Regrade an automatically graded question.
    • Adjust points for the entire quiz.
  5. When you are done grading.

1. Before you start

To assess correctly, you should start with the following steps:

  1. Check that quiz reviews are published manually.
  2. When grading anonymously, make sure the quiz is anonymized or hide the students' names only in SpeedGrader.
  3. Go to SpeedGrader for the assignment.

2. How the quiz is displayed in SpeedGrader

Overview of SpeedGrader with three areas highlighted with numbers.

The main window [1] shows the student's submission and a summary of the preliminary result. The submission time can be found in the sidebar [2] and if the student has made repeated attempts, you can switch between them. In the sidebar there is also a comment field where you can write a comment about the entire quiz [3].

Comment library

Above the comment field you will find the button for the comment library in SpeedGrader, where you can add and save comments that you want to be able to reuse. Treat the saved comments as templates in that you will be able to edit the comments before sending them. You can also edit the comments in the comments library after you have saved them there.

The comments library is connected to your account, which means that you will find your saved comments in all your courses.

How to switch students

Dropdown list of students in SpeedGrader. Two have an orange circle by their name.

Press the student's name to open the drop-down list of students. Students are listed alphabetically by last name, except if you anonymized SpeedGrader. Anonymized students are placed in a random order where the first student in the list is called "Student 1", the second "Student 2" and so on.

Student names are marked with an orange circle if they have a submission that has not yet been graded.

Show result

Summary of the results for a submitted quiz. Numbers mark different parts of the summation.

The results part of the quiz shows information about the student's submission. The result includes percentage [1], number of points [2] and time to complete the attempt [3]. If any questions require manual grading, links to them are listed in a warning box [4]. When the manual grading is complete, the number of points and the grade in percentage are updated.

3. Manual grading of individual parts

Question with file upload that needs to be assessed. Numbers mark different parts.

Questions that require manual grading are shown with a gray stripe [1] and the text "Waiting for grade". For file submissions, press the file to download it (images will open in a pop-up). Unlike assignments, quizzes lack annotation tools to draw, highlight and add comments directly to the submission.

After reviewing the student's answers, you can award points in one of three ways. You can mark the answer as correct [2] for the highest point score, incorrect [3] for zero points or use the arrows [4] to increase or decrease the points.

Note! You must update the quiz if you manually changed points for it to be saved. You will find the "Update" button at the end of the quiz.

4. Make any necessary adjustments

Sometimes you need to adjust the quiz after the students have submitted it. In that case you can do the following:

  • Regrade an automatically graded question.
  • Adjust points for the entire quiz.

Regrade an automatically graded question

You can change which answer options are correct on an automatically graded question by pressing the "Regrade" button and choosing new correct answers. The new answers will be valid for all students who have submitted the quiz. This is helpful if, for example, you made a mistake when creating the question or if the question text can be interpreted so that several answer options are correct.

Auto-graded "multiple answer" question with full points. The "Regrade" button is highlighted.

When you regrade a question, you can also decide how to award points for the regraded question. You can choose to:

  • award points only for correct answers
  • award points for both current and previous answers
  • award points for all submitted answers
  • give everyone full marks.

Adjust points for the entire quiz

Finally, in all quizzes there is the possibility to add or remove points for the whole quiz without changing the points per question. For example, you can use it to add bonus points to an exam. If you adjust points, we recommend that you enter the reason for the adjustment in a comment.

Fudge points box for a quiz and grand total for the entire quiz, followed by the update button.

Note! You must update the quiz if you manually changed points for it to be saved. You will find the "Update" button at the end of the quiz.

5. When you are done grading

When you are done with the grading for all students, you need to post the grades and comments, and let the students see their own answers. This is done in two places: in the quiz and in SpeedGrader.

To let the students see their own answers:

  1. Go to the build view for the quiz.
  2. Open the “settings” tab.
  3. Turn off the "Restrict student result view" setting.

Post grades and comments:

  1. Go to SpeedGrader.
  2. Press the button to post or hide grades (a crossed-out eye in the upper left corner).
  3. Select “Post grades”.
  4. In the menu that opens, select "Everyone" and press "Post".

Now the grades and comments are visible for the students, both per question and for the entire quiz.