Video as a pedagogical tool
There are different ways to record and use videos in your teaching. You can record videos and publish from your smartphone, or use more advanced tools and apps for recording and editing. Here is a collection of solutions that KTH staff have access to, and tips on what to think about when it comes to recording.
It can be challenging to adapt methods used for active learning in a teaching room to a video. For many, it is a new way of working and does not need to be seen solely as a substitute for lectures. Perhaps the most important thing is not how you create your video but that you have thought through how your live or pre-recorded video can contribute to your students' knowledge development.
We would also like to mention that video rarely should be seen as a replacement for an entire course or segment but as a complement to other teaching materials. A video works best in harmony with surrounding materials such as study questions, quizzes, and preparatory reading.
Why video?
There are many reasons why some course segments and situations can be advantageously replaced or supplemented with video. Here you will find examples of the benefits of using video, for you as a teacher and for your students.

When is video suitable?
You can use video in teaching in many different ways. Simply recording and publishing your lessons is not the only way. The pages in this section present selected situations and course segments where video can be used entirely or as a complement.
How do I make a pedagogical video?
Here are tips and advice on how to create a pedagogical video. Among other things, plan the recording using a script and consider the best length for your video. There are also tips on specific types of videos: introductory videos for a course, educational videos, demo and intro videos, and videos as audiovisual feedback.
How do I make a pedagogical video?
Students' perspectives and some requests for recorded video material
Here you can read tips on what is important for students when they use video material to learn. As a teacher, you can, among other things, think about actively encouraging the student to pause and think about the content, and to visualize what you are saying.
Student perspectives and some requests for recorded video material
Here you will find recorded webinars relevant to the theme "video for teaching", for example about Camtasia, KTH Play and captioning (subtitling).
The webinars (from Lunch 'n' Learn) were held in the spring of 2020 and further on.