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Here you will find recorded webinars that are relevant to the theme "video for teaching", for example about Camtasia, KTH Play and captioning (subtitling). The webinars (from Lunch 'n' Learn) were held in the spring of 2020 and further on.

Teacher stories: experiences of hybrid teaching at KTH

What technology is available for hybrid teaching? How can one think about pedagogy? The video gives a presentation with a subsequent discussion about hybrid teaching. Participating are KTH teachers and employees from the teams that support hybrid teaching at KTH.

Teacher stories: experiences of hybrid teaching at KTH

Live streaming and combined classroom instruction with Zoom

How can you complete a course with lectures and similar synchronous teaching opportunities when some students are on Campus and others at a distance? The video provides an overview of how KTH's teaching rooms, with equipment, can be combined with the meeting tool Zoom.

Live streaming and combined classroom instruction with Zoom

Video captioning in KTH Play

What is good to think about before captioning a video and how do you do it technically? Learn how to captioning your videos in KTH Play via the Reach module.

Video captioning in KTH Play

Streamline your online education

Simplify, engage and streamline your online education and video recordings. In this video, you get to know what can be time consuming in video recording and hybrid teaching and what can enhance the students' experience.

Streamline your online education

Make your course more digital - how to record in your home environment

Learn the basics of recording in a home environment. The video covers both the pedagogical and technical parts of how to record your lectures.

How to record in your home environment

Design videos for online teaching

Do you want to enhance the learning experience in your digital teaching situations The first video provides tips on how to design a teaching video and highlights the recording tools you can use. The second video is a follow-up panel discussion on the topic "video in teaching".

Design videos for online teaching

Video editing basics (using Camtasia)

In this webinar, the basics of video editing are presented together with how to practically apply that when working with the screenrecording and editing software Camtasia. We also look at the options to do simple video editing using Kaltura (KTH Play).

Video editing basics (using Camtasia)

Design choices in educational videos

Learn how to think when presenting a course content with visual support - in this case video. This video gives you tips on how to use infographics, animations and illustrations.

Design choices in educational videos

Teacher stories: Online videos for education

What makes an educational video good, and why should you continue to use online videos after we can safely return to personal meetings, when the pandemic is over? Joakim Jaldén shares his thoughts on the video format for teaching and learning at KTH. This video will focus on the "why" rather than the "how" when it comes to video.

Teacher stories: Online videos for education