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Workshops you can order from E-learning

All teaching and course administration staff can order the fully developed workshops we at E-learning previously created on request. Workshops are free for KTH employees. The developed workshops can be varied as needed. You can also order a completely new workshop if needed.

Coming events

How to order a workshop

E-learning has developed a number of workshops that are available to order. The only requirement is that you who order a workshop teach or work administratively with courses at KTH. You can also order a new workshop or a variant of the workshops we offer.

To order a workshop:

  1. Read through the developed workshops and decide which one you want, or if you want to order a new one.
  2. Send an email to  with the following information:
    • Suggested date and time for the workshop, at least three weeks in advance.
    • Name of the workshop. If you want to order a new workshop (or a variant), you should also include suggestions for learning objectives and target group.
    • Number of participants (approximate). We appreciate a list of participants, if possible.
    • An estimate of the participants' knowledge of the subject. If you are unsure, let us know and we can send out a form about this to the participants.

Developed workshops

Each workshop is explained on the pages below. The pages contain their purpose, preparation for you as a participant and learning objectives.

Introduction to Canvas

If you are new to working in Canvas, here you will find an introduction to the system and its basic functions. The workshop is available in two variants, aimed either at administrators or at teachers.

Learning activities and course implementation in Canvas

Canvas has many tools for different learning activities in addition to a normal assignments. These workshops go through some of the useful tools, such as peer review or group assignments.

Prepare examination

Before a digital examination, Canvas and other tools need to be prepared. Here are workshops that give you practical experience in that and in helping others with the preparations.


With these workshops, you will learn how to use the tools for digital assessment and how they work together with Canvas. It includes, for example, SpeedGrader, the Gradebook and "KTH Import Exams".

Administration in Canvas 

Here you as an administrator will find workshops developed to support you in your work with Canvas. There is one Introductory workshop and one immersive regarding hoe to technically retrieve documents från Canvas.

Working with generative AI (90 min)

Have you heard about generative AI but are not sure how to use it in your work? If so, you can participate in this workshop and get hands-on experience using a generative AI tool to streamline your work tasks. We focus on ChatGPT, but other generative AI tools also works.

Working with generative AI (90 min)

Recording educational videos in a mini studio (60 min)

Do you want to learn how to get started with and work in a mini studio or wonder what pedagogical aspects to consider when recording eduactional videos? In this workshop, you will get acquainted with the video recording equipment available in the mini studio and learn what you should consider both when preparing the video presentation and what is important during the recording itself.

Recording educational videos in a mini studio (60 min)