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The Gradebook in Canvas (60 min)

As a teacher, do you want to get better at interpreting and using the gradebook in Canvas? This workshop introduce the gradebook in Canvas and its functions. You also get to go through the recommended settings in assignments, the weighting of assignments and the Transfer to Ladok function.


The purpose of this workshop is to present the use of the "gradebook" in Canvas. We start from the recommended settings in assignments, including outcomes, and go through all the different parts of the gradebook.

We will also show and explain the weighting of different grades and the export and import of grades, for when the weighting is performed outside Canvas.


No specific preparations are required.

Time required

1 hour.

Learning objectives

After completing the workshop, participants should be able to:

  • Change and choose grading scheme.
  • Use “Transfer to Ladok”.
  • Manage assignment groups.
  • Change and choose the weighting of different grades.
  • Export and import to Excel.
  • Manage the posting of grades.
  • Switch between gradebook views.
  • Connect outcomes to assignments so they are visible in the gradebook.