Webinar: "How will examination at a distance be managed during the re-exam period?”
(This webinar will be held in Swedish) In this webinar we will present the process and tools for examination during the re-exam period in April.
Time: Wed 2020-04-01 12.15 - 13.15
Location: Online, Zoom
The solution involves a combination of Canvas and Zoom, where the functionality in Canvas will be used to manage exam questions and Zoom can be used for answering student questions, proctoring with invigilator or oral exam. The webinar will also provide information on what you as a teacher need to do for your exam and what KTH staff will help you with.
Speaker: Elin Lindblad
Place: Online via Zoom, use this link: kth-se.zoom.us/s/829795643
(This webinar will be held in Swedish and also be recorded)