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Webinar: "What to consider for teaching and learning in online or blended courses"

To teach online poses a challenge for the teacher with such experience. Much of what is taken for granted in campus-based courses has to reconsidered, such as how to get a feeling for how the students follow the lecture or the whole course. The conditions also change for social interaction and it becomes necessary to think how to that can be facilitated. The webinar will be held in Swedish.

Time: Thu 2020-06-11 12.15 - 13.15

Location: Online, Zoom

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As always with teaching, there are no simple universal methods and the context always need to be considered. On the other hand, there are some general principles and approaches that one can work with relatively easily within the design and setup of a course in order to promote different parts of the learning process when teaching full or part distance. In this webinar we will present and discuss some of these and show how they can be applied with the help of digital tools.

Since the learning activities, e.g. lectures, this fall will probably be both on campus and at a distance, the webinar will highlight what is important in this context. But, also show what you as a teacher need to teach your students about how to best study under these conditions. (This webinar will be recorded)

Presenters: Fredrik Enoksson (Researcher, Unit Technology for Learning at Department of Learning, ITM, KTH) and Oliver Andersson (Educational Developer, Unit Technology for Learning at Department of Learning, ITM, KTH)

Please note 1: The webinar will be held in Swedish.

Please note 2: You connect to the webinar via the Zoom-link above. No need to install anything, but sound and video quality becomes better if you install and connect using the Zoom client/app on your computer .

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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Jun 05, 2020