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2023 Fall release

Below are what was implemented in the fall release on November 7, 2023. The universities using the ISP system met in the Administration council, on March 21, 2023, and decided on the below.

1. Link to PDF version under Overview (KTH proposal)

A link under Overview will let the user open the PDF version of the study plan, just like with the web version today.

2. The existing Message Log will remain visible when a new message is typed (KTH proposal)

The previous posts will be visible and not covered by the input box.

3. Doctoral students will be able to write comments under Current rate of study (from Ladok) (KTH proposal)

Doctoral students will be able to write comments, just like the principal supervisor today.

4. Default year in drop-down menus will be current year (KTH proposal)

Not as previously 10 years back, which meant users had to scroll to get to 2023 and on. The new default year will apply to all new fields that are created by the user.

5. Search box for reference number (KTH proposal)

A search box for the reference number (unique for each study plan) will be added. The function is planned for all user except the doctoral student, who only reviews their own study plan.

6. Function to mark activities as fulfilled (Lund proposal)

The following sections will have a function to mark them as fulfilled/done. The alternatives will be Yes, No, and Not Specified, and Not Specified will be default.

3.3 Planned and completed participation at conferences

3.4 Planned and completed activities, including international participation

3.5 Planned and completed seminars


7. Clarify for establisher when they are approving instead of supervisor or doctoral student (Göteborg proposal)

In the rare cases when an establisher needs to approve the study plan in place of the principal supervisor or the doctoral student, the establisher will be notified more clearly that they are doing this.

8. Expansion of field 3.2.2 Higher Education Qualification on Research Level Exists (Göteborg proposal)

Information about subject and subject code, degree type and date of issuing are added to the field, instead of as before only saying Yes. If there are more than one previous research degrees, all are listed.

9. When admission to doctoral degree is registered in Ladok, any admission to licentiate degree in the same subject will be discontinued automatically in the ISP system (Göteborg proposal)

Study plans toward licentiate degree will also be automatically archived, on the condition that they are established and not a draft.

10. New free text field in chapter 8. Approvals (Malmö proposal, saved from earlier terms)

A new free text field called "Comments" will be added at the bottom of chapter 8.


Outside the release, implemeted at a later date:

11. Correction of degree in Ladok will exported to the ISP system (Linköping proposal)

If a course packaging was incorrect when a degree was issued and this is then corrected in Ladok, the correct course packaging will be exported to the ISP system (which does not happen today).