Developing the system further
The ISP system is used by several Swedish universities that meet once every term in the administration council, to decide on further developments. KTH has a focus group that helps to prioritize between proposals before the universities meet and vote on them.
The ISP wheel calendar
As the image illustrates, each term a process takes place to decide on improvements to the ISP system, which are then implemented to next term's release. This is the general outline for this process:
1. The focus group deals with proposals from KTH
2. Proposals are sent to Gothenburg University, GU
3. The focus group deals with proposals from the other universities
4. Preparatory administration council
5. Administration council, with voting

Suggestions for improvement
Suggestions for improvement can be sent to, the systems specialist or other member of the focus group.
The Focus Group:
Zoé Barjot, Doctoral student at ABE
Mats Magnusson, Director of Third-Cycle Education/FA at ITM
Svein Kleiven, Programme Director/PA at CBH
Per Olsson, Administrative Officer at ABE
Anna Carlstedt, Education Manager at the Management Office (MO)
Olof Landin, Systems Specialist for the ISP