Open network meeting about KTH's education in connection with Covid-19
Welcome to discuss educational issues related to Covid-19. This event is open to everyone at KTH, both students and staff.
Time: Fri 2021-01-22 13.15 - 15.00
Location: Zoom
In connection with the outbreak of the pandemic at the end of P3, 2020, the network of program managers and directors of studies was opened up to everyone at KTH, both staff and students, to discuss important educational issues. Hence the name "open network meetings". The network meetings are arranged by the Department of Learning, ITM, on behalf of KTH's management, and aim to strengthen communication and participation in the development of education. This is especially important when the changes are very rapid and means great strain for students, teachers and other staff. These internal conferences will also continue during the spring semester 2021 and take place every two weeks. Viggo Kann and Anna-Karin Högfeldt are responsible for coordinating the meetings. Those responsible for e-learning support and the vice-rector for education participate too.
More information can be found here (In Swedish only)