Unite! Teaching and Learning - Make students active even online
This series of 12 pedagogical activities is aimed at teaching staff, lecturers and faculty in all Unite! partner institutions (including Ph.D. students and postdocs involved with teaching), who might be interested in sharing and developing teaching and learning practices. We invite you to meet Unite! colleagues while learning how teaching and learning is promoted at different partner universities. The activities – webinars, courses and training events – are run by pedagogical experts from the partner universities and are free of charge for the Unite! community. All “Unite! Teaching and Learning” activities are in English. Some of the activities will award credits. This is the second round of the series "Unite! Teaching and Learning".
Time: Thu 2021-09-16 13.30
Language: English
Participating: Dr. Fanny Poinsotte
Activity 2: Make students active even online
Hosting university: Grenoble INP
September 16th, 13.30 - 17.00 + self-study activities
Learning outcomes:
• Share around the issues of active learning.
• To identify the specific difficulties of distance learning
• Propose elements of solutions and tools to facilitate the activity of online students.
Virtual peer activity in groups, facilitated by a pedagogical expert.
Contact person: Grenoble INP - Dr. Fanny Poinsotte, email: fanny.poinsotte@grenoble-inp.fr
Last day to register was August 25th but since there are still a limited number of places left for this workshop, you can now register up until September 9th, and you can register for this workshop on this link.
On this link you can read more about the series Unite! Teaching and Learning and about all the 12 activities in the series.