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CFP Deadline: Multiple Lives of Subsurface in Decarbonization

Cerro Pabellon Geothermal Plant, Chile (Source: Alexander Richter / ThinkGeoEnergy)

This summer school, organized in collaboration with HARNESS Project, will dive into the politics of sub/surface spaces in the energy transition with attention to spatialities, materialities and temporalities of subterranean renewable energy (ie. Geothermal), carbon-capture & storage (CCS), and hydrogen storage technologies. We will bring together expertise from political ecology, science and technology studies (STS), spatial sciences and critical geography, anthropology to dive into the key concepts and theories on the politics of the subterranean in energy transition.

Time: Sat 2023-04-15

Location: Groningen, Netherlands

Language: Engelska

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Practical Information

To apply, kindly fill out the online application form. Please include the following documents with your application:

  • Short CV (max. 2 pages)
  • Letter of motivation, explaining what you hope to learn during the summer school and why this will be important for your academic ambitions (max. 1 page)
  • Title/Abstract of a research presentation (max. 300 words)

Please send your motivation letter and abstract in a single pdf file.

Early-bird deadline: 15 April 2023 (early bird discount 10%). Applicants requiring a Schengen visa to travel to Groningen are required to apply by the early-bird deadline.

Final deadline: 15 May 2023

Selected applicants will be informed by 30 May 2023.

Dates & location

28 August 2023 - 01 September 2023
Groningen, the Netherlands


Primarily PhD and early career researchers, advanced MA students applications will also be considered.


  • € 300 for general participants

  • € 200 for UG students and ENLIGHT consortium

  • € 450 for practitioners

This summer school is co-financed by HARNESS Project (Promises, pitfalls and spatialization of geothermal energy as a decarbonization strategy, running between 2020-2023) funded by FORMAS Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (Project no: 2020-00825). There are 5 (full or partial) grants available for researchers from the global South to cover for tuition, travel and/or accomodation expenses. Please mention in your motivation letter if and why you request a travel grant. Travel grant applicants are required to apply by the early bird deadline (15 April 2023).

Note: An additional 5 euro fee may be applicable for credit card payments.

Academic coordinators

Dr. Ethemcan Turhan
