Heads of Departments Architecture Katja Tollmar Grillner professor katja.grillner@arch.kth.se 087908549 Profile ARKITEKTUR OCH KULTUR Civil and Architectural Engineering Annika Gram head of department agram@kth.se 087909750 Profile CONCRETE STRUCTURES Philosophy and History Sabine Höhler head of department sabine.hohler@abe.kth.se 087908741 Profile HISTORY OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT Real Estate and Construction Management Ingalill Söderberg head of department ingalill.soderberg@abe.kth.se 087907406 Profile DIVISION OF REAL ESTATE BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL SYSTEMS Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering (SEED) Maria Malmström Head of Department malmstro@kth.se 087908745 Profile WATER AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Urban Planning and Environment Maria Håkansson head of department maria.hakansson@abe.kth.se 087909280 Profile URBAN AND REGIONAL STUDIES