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Reporting incidents, risks and occupational injuries

Risk observations, incidents and occupational injuries are reported via the web-based IA (Information System on the Working Environment).
Serious occupational injuries/incidents are reported without delay to KTH's emergency number 08-790 7700 and to the Work Environment Authority ( or phone 010-730 90 00).

How to report incidents, risks and occupational injuries

In emergency situations and in need of immediate assistance:

  1. call the emergency number 112 immediately and thereafter
  2. contact KTH's emergency number 08-790 77 00

The manager is responsible for ensuring that serious incidents and serious occupational injuries are reported without delay (within 48 hours) to the Swedish Work Environment Authority at  or by phone to 010-730 90 00.

You report occurrences by filling in the linked form that is connected to the IA system. Click here to find the link to the IA system:

Report a near miss, risk or occupational injury

When you have filled in the form and saved, the information is sent to the responsible manager.

On this page you will also find information on the IA system, examples of risks, incidents and occupational injuries, the process of investigation and follow-up, etc.