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Reporting near misses, risks and occupational injuries

It is important to report near misses, risks and occupational injuries (occurrences) to KTH. With your help, we may prevent future accidents. Serious occupational injuries/near misses should be reported without delay to the KTH emergency number 08-790 77 00 and to the Work Environment Authority ( or phone 010-730 90 00).

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The IA System

In emergency situations

In emergency situations and in need of immediate assistance you mus immediately call:

  1. the emergency number 112, and thereafter
  2. contact KTH's emergency number 08-790 77 00

The manager is responsible for ensuring that serious incidents and serious occupational injuries are reported without delay (within 48 hours) to the Swedish Work Environment Authority at or by phone to 010-730 90 00.

Threats and violence

Read about what applies in threatening or violent situations on the Security Unit's information page on Threats or violence .

In case of discrimination and harassment

Read about where employees can turn in the event of perceived discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment or victimization .

Report occurrence

You report occurrences by filling in the linked form that is connected to the IA system. When you have filled in the form and saved, the information is sent to the responsible manager.

Report a near miss, risk or occupational injury

Reporting vi IA app

It is also possible to report occurrences via the IA app. Download the app to your mobile phone from App store (iPhone) or Google play (Android) by searching for IA - Divergences in OH&S. After that, log in manually with the information below:

  • Username: IA-app_KTH_eng

  • Password: IA-app_KTH123

Note, it is only necessary to enter th login details the first time you log in. 

What is IA?

IA is a digital system used to handle occurrences in the work environment such as near misses, risks and occupational injuries. Read more about the IA System .

Investigation, actions and follow-up

The employer is, according to the Work Environment Act and AFS 2001:1, Systematic Work Environment Management, obliged to examine, to carry out and to follow up activities in a way that prevents both ill health and occupational injuries and for creating a satisfactory work environment. It is important that all near misses, risks and occupational injuries that occur in the workplace are handled.

The employer in collaboration with safety representatives is obliged to investigate occupational injuries, risks and near misses.

The Work Environment Authority also investigates serious near misses and occupational injuries. If the Work Environment Authority visits a workplace for inspection, it could in some cases lead to an inspection notice. The notice points out deficiencies and calls for measures to be taken within a specific time frame. If the Work Environment Authority assesses the danger of new near misses or accidents happening, they can place an immediate ban on the workplace until measures have been taken. Employers who do not follow the Work Environment Authority’s ban or injunction may face a penalty.

Where can I find the process for investigation, actions and follow-up?

You will find guides, process descriptions and e-training under the heading "My documents" in the IA system's information portal. You can reach the information portal by clicking on the blue button marked "Library" when you are logged in to the IA system or from the reporting page.

Information to the School Collaboration Group and Safety Committee

The HR manager informs about occurrences in the School's Collaboration Group (SSG) and about measures taken and/or planned.

The HR Department VS makes an unidentified compilation of received reports of near misses, risks and occupational injuries, and informs in KTH's Safety Committee.

What are near misses, risks and occupational injuries?

Occupational injuries (accidents, work-related illnesses)

An occupational injury means all accidents and illnesses that occur as a result of physical as well as social or organizational working conditions, regardless if they have led to sick leave or not.

Examples of occupational injuries:

  • Accidents at work or to and from work (commuting accidents)
  • Illnesses as a result of work, for example impaired hearing due to noisy work environment.
  • Violence or abuse within the framework of employment
  • Injury outside the regular workplace e.g. business trip/telework
  • Psychosocial conditions, for example fatigue syndrome

Near misses

A near miss is a situation in which no one has been harmed, but which could have resulted in ill health or accident.

Examples of near misses:

  • Explosion in a room where no one is currently staying
  • Cabinet or shelf that comes loose from the wall
  • Chemical or gas emissions
  • A threat situation
  • Conflict in the workplace


A risk refers to a situation in which neither a near miss nor an occupational injury has occurred, but where there is a risk that it could happen.

Examples of risks:

  • An emergency exit is blocked
  • Solitary work
  • Problems relating to social interaction in the workplace

  • A shelf that sits loosely on the wall

Occupational injury and insurance

According to the Occupational Injury Insurance, any person who is employed, either permanently or temporarily, is insured at their workplace. It is always Försäkringskassan (the Social Insurance Agency) who determines whether the injury is classified as an occupational injury. The occupational injury insurance is administered by Försäkringskassan. More information about occupational injury insurance is available by clicking on the link .

In addition to Försäkringskassans assessment of occupational injuries and compensation, KTH has an agreement on compensation for personal injury (PSA). The agreement applies to employees, regardless of the form or scope of employment. The insurance is administered by AFA Insurance, . Note that the occupational injury insurance and PSA are not applicable during vacations or compensatory leave.

Insurance during agreed teleworking and during temporary work from home

The Occupational Insurance is valid during agreed teleworking and when temporarily working from home, with the difference that the accident must be directly related to the work the employee performs. It means that the injury must occur when performing work tasks. If an employee injures themselves when making coffee, for example, it will not be considered to be a work related accident, even if it occurs during working hours. If an accident occurs and it is not considered to have occurred in connection with performing work, it is the employee's own insurance that has to cover the event.

In the event of a near miss, risk or occupational injury occurring during agreed telework or during working temporarily from home, a report must be filled in accordance with KTH’s routines.

The Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) has to make an assessment of whether the injury is to be classified as a work injury and whether the employee is entitled to compensation for it. In addition to the Social Insurance Agency’s assessment, it is possible to report and apply for compensation from PSA, KTH’s agreement on compensation for personal injury. The insurance is administrated by AFA Insurance and it is AFA Insurance that makes the assessment. However, this requires that the accident is clearly and directly related to work tasks that the employee is performing.