KTH regards healthcare and wellness as an important issue since good employee health means they are better prepared to meet the demands of working life. Your health is not only a personal affair, but also a shared resource which is decisive for the organisation’s performance. KTH offers all employees a healthcare allowance of maximum 3000 SEK per calender year as well as the right to exercise during paid working hours through use of a weekly health and wellness hour.
Wellness hour
All employees have the right to one hour of wellness activities per week, during paid working hours. This applies as long as the activity is carried out on one occasion between the hours of 08:00-16:30 and this applies to all employees, regardless of the extent of employment.
The hour includes change of clothing/transportation and cannot be accumulated over several weeks. Using the wellness hour should be in consultation with your manager and only when work activities and workload permit this.
Wellness allowance
All employees at KTH are entitled to a wellness allowance to be used for various wellness activities. Read more on this page activities decided and approved by Skatteverket (The Swedish Tax Agency, information in Swedish) Activities include for example gymcards, racquet sports, ball sports, team sports, massages and swimming. The wellness allowance can only be used during ongoing employment.
The wellness allowance is calculated based on employment period and entitles you to 250 SEK per calendar month (including part of a calendar month) and is the same regardless of extent of employment, i.e if you are employed full- or part time during three months, you are entitled to 750 SEK in wellness promotion subsidy. For a full year the wellness allowance is 3000 SEK.
How do I use my wellness allowance?
Purchase in portal
You can make a purchase directly in the portal, KTH for me . If the cost exceeds the wellness allowance, you can either choose to pay the remaining cost via direct payment (applies to a number of wellness providers in the portal) or pay via net salaray deduction. For those wellness providers who do not offer direct payment, there will automatically be a net salary deduction for the difference between the cost and your subsidy.
Register your receipt
You can also make a purchase outside of the portal and pay yourself. In this case it is important that you get a receipt that you can regsiter and upload in KTH for me. When the receipt has been reviewed and approved it is registered and you will automatically recieve your money with your salary.
The employer’s responsibility
The responsibility of overall health promotion, as well as follow-up of health promotion, lies with each school. The employer should provide its active support for health and wellness. Managers promote health among employees, among other things, by creating prerequisites for employees to actively take responsibility for their health. Managers should be role models and affect the health of employees by their way of managing and organising the work. By actively working towards a work method which promotes health, work places and work relations are created which optimise the health of employees.
The wellness work should be a part of work environment management and should be visible in action plans and budgets with annual follow-up.
The responsibility of employees
Employees are primarily responsible for their own health and for the development of their personal resources. Employeeship also entails a responsibility for actively participating in the work for health and work environment in the workplace, as well as a healthy development of the activities.