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Storträffen meet-up spring 2022 – Co-creation of our education

Welcome to the Storträffen meet-up spring semester 2022 about the education at KTH! The arena for discussions, exchanges of experience and development. Everyone at KTH is welcome!

Time: Mon 2022-05-23 12.30 - 16.30

Location: E1

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Physical meeting with a lot in English

The spring semester's Storträff - meet up, which has the theme "Co-creation of our education", will be entirely physical and largely in English (in plenary as well as in several discussion groups). More information will be published in the detailed program below.

Registration is closed


Short schedule

Activity Time
Mingle and light lunch in E1 12.00-12.30

including panel discussions with a number of stakeholders,
teachers, leaders, THS, GVS, Digital Learning,
Technology Companies and a
Professor of Engineering Education Research from the University of Michigan.

12:30 - 13:20
PAUSE   13:20 - 13:30
PITCH SESSIONS IN E1 13:30 - 13:50
3 round table discussions OR demos 14:00-15:40
BACK IN E1 15:45 - 16:30

Detailed program can be found here

Arenas for the development of KTH's programmes

In order to strengthen cooperation, exchange of experience and continuous quality improvement of KTH's programmes, major meetings and PriU groups have been developed in recent years. Everyone at KTH is welcome.


Once a semester, Leif Kari, Vice-president for Education, invites everyone at KTH (teachers, education managers, education administration staff and student representatives) to the storträff (major meetings) that address current and priority issues for KTH's education. A large part of the meeting is in a roundtable format where you can choose from several different topics to network and discuss around. Table leaders are responsible for summarizing and formulating how KTH could jointly move forward on each issue.

Priority Issues Working Groups (PriU)

The PriUs are organised around specific individual themes and meet during the year to deepen discussions and the development of ideas. All interested staff and interested students are welcome to participate in the PriU-groups.
