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The Role of AI in Achieving the SDGs: Enabler or Inhibitor?

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to help improve the health of people and ecosystems, reduce urban pollution, spot oil spills at sea and desertification of land, as well as to enhance education systems. However, AI can also increase the gap between the rich and the poor, and the bias of the algorithms may enhance existing injustices towards minorities.

Welcome to learn more about Artificial Intelligence and the SDGs at this event organized by KTH Royal Institute of Technology, AI Sustainability Center and MIT.

Time: Thu 2020-08-20 14.00 - 16.00

Location: Online Event

Participating: Max Tegmark (MIT), Francesco Fuso Nerini, Ricardo Vinuesa (KTH) and more.

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Part One - The Role of AI in Achieving the SDGs: Enabler or Inhibitor?

 Part Two -The Role of AI in Achieving the SDGs: Enabler or Inhibitor?

Researchers from KTH, MIT, the AI Sustainability Center and other institutions have recently conducted a multidisciplinary study assessing the potential positive and negative impact of AI on all 17 of the SDGs adopted by the United Nations. The study, published in Nature Communications, is the starting point of a much needed global debate, where everyone —researchers, industry, policymakers and the general public — needs to contribute in order to define the sustainable development of AI in the mid term and in the long term.

The webinar will start with presentations about the current state of AI and potential future developments.

Speakers will include Max Tegmark (MIT), Francesco Fuso Nerini and Ricardo Vinuesa (KTH), Anna Felländer and Elaine Grunewald (AI Sustainability Center), Manuela Battaglini (Transparent Internet) and Shivam Gupta (University of Bonn).

At the end of the webinar we will have a panel discussion with Q&A. The webinar will be on ZOOM. 

Places are limited, registration is required: REGISTRATION IS CLOSED

Preliminary program

AI for a prosperous world: The SDGs and beyond

14:00–14:05 Welcome and Introduction.

14:05–14:20 The role of artificial intelligence in achieving the SDGs — Francesco Fuso Nerini and Ricardo Vinuesa (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

14:20–14:35 AI for a prosperous 21st century — Max Tegmark (Center for Brains, Mind and Machines, MIT).

14:35–14:50 Panel discussion moderated by Anna Felländer, Q&A from the audience.

14:50–14:55 Break.

AI and sustainability in practice

14:55–15:10 Societal and Ethical considerations when applying the SDGs to AI— Elaine Grunewald (AI Sustainability Center)

15:10–15:25 Transparency, automated decision-making processes and personal profiling — Manuela Battaglini (Transparent Internet).

15:25–15:40 Digitainability at the indicator level of SDGs — Shivam Gupta (University of Bonn).

15:40–15:55 Panel discussion, Q&A from the audience, moderated by Elaine Grunewald

15:55–16:00 Closing remarks.

Learn more about AI and sustainability

The role of artificial intelligence in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Artificial intelligence (AI) represents a powerful but double-edged sword as nations confront global warming, poverty and issues of peace and justice. Learn more about the first-ever study of how AI can help – as well as hinder – sustainable development worldwide.

Read the article

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Last changed: Aug 24, 2020