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URL rules for websites and domains at

Websites on receive either URLs according to domain or according to directory structure.

Domain refers to the part that precedes in the address (

Directory structure refers to links that follow on (

  • Web address according to domain is assigned to websites that conceptually deviate from KTH's common website and its substructures.
  • Web address according to directory structure is assigned to websites that are built in KTH's common publishing system (Polopoly) and therefore share templates, navigation solutions and conceptual principles that apply to the common website.

Consistent naming is sought for both domains and links in the directory structure. Abbreviations or acronyms are practice.

Names must not clash with an accepted abbreviation or a term that is already associated with other activities at KTH.

In this document, the name is what is given in brackets in the example addresses.

Previously distributed URLs that deviate from the rules in this document will remain, but will be phased out if the opportunity arises.

Web address by domain

Own domains under are listed in front of certain fixed subdomains. These are:

  • - for research centers and similar
  • - for conferences organized by KTH employees et c.
  • - for research groups and the like
  • - for projects et c within KTH

For example, for a competence center the web address applies:


Added to this are subdomains relating to KTH's schools:


Which websites are assigned a domain under the school domain or one of the above common domains is decided in consultation with the schools' webmasters. The decision depends on the website's connection to the school's operations.

For example, a center that must clearly signal school affiliation applies:


KTH also manages the student union's domain Student sections are assigned addresses according to [sektion]

URLs according to directory structure

Websites built in KTH's common publishing system (Polopoly) are conceptually linked to KTH's common website. This means that they are based on templates and functionality that provide consistent appearance and uniform principles for navigation, layout of pages, building structures and more.

These sites are given addresses that clarify their relationship to the common site. The addresses therefore consist of directory links that follow the single domain

Schools and departments are assigned addresses according to:[school][department]

Groups under a department receive a web address according to the department's directory structure. Typical:[department]/[group]

Websites that relate to projects and that are built in the common publishing system are assigned an address that follows the relevant organizational unit. For projects that cannot be traced back to a single school or with extensive activities at several schools, an address directly under can also be assigned:[project]

Websites that relate to the center or conference and that are built up in the common publication system are assigned, in cases where organizational domicile is not relevant, addresses according to:[center][conference]

Operations that, in addition to their presence in the common publishing system, have additional websites in a different publishing environment than the common publishing system (Polopoly) can be assigned addresses according to domain. For example under or

Technical conditions

The host for a KTH website must normally be on KTH's network. In case of other needs, the communications department or the IT unit should be contacted.

All web servers (computers) that sit on KTH's network must be named with the KTH.SE domain, according to WWW.ddd.KTH.SE and backwards (ip number to name) give WWW.ddd.KTH.SE. However, systems can be operated for other university-related organizations and they may in any case have their own domain names. In case of doubt, check with the IT department.

If the business so requires, in exceptional cases you can have an external *extra* name like xxx.ORG or xxx.NU that points to the KTH.SE server (with a so-called CNAME or extra A-record). The IT unit and the Communications department must be informed about the creation of an external domain name. (  and )


KTH must follow SUNET's rules and recommendations in cases where they are applicable.

Questions about domain names should be sent to .