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Receive reports of discrimination, harassment, sexually harassment and victimization

KTH never ignores discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and victimization. Legal sanctions may be relevant for KTH if the employer/higher education institution does not comply with the Discrimination Act and the Work Environment Act and fulfills its investigative duty in the event of discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and abusive discrimination.

To you who receive a notification

  1. Clarify your own role. Inform the victim/informer of any additional persons you may be will contact. Have an objective and solution-focused attitude in the conversation and treat the exposed employee, suspect employee, with respect. Document in writing.
  2. Hand over the notification and documentation personally to the correct function in your organization.
  3. Inform the suspect/informer that there are counseling and support functions. Corporate Health Care, Security Officers, Trade Unions, Student Health Care.

Routines for receiving and investigating reports

To support your role as a investigator in a case, there is KTH's Routines for employees who are responsible for receiving reports and/or investigating allegations in cases within discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and abusive discrimination. The requirements of the legislation and KTH's responsibilities are described. You will find the routine under KTH's governing document under the heading Gender equality, diversity and discrimination.

Possible consequences for the victimizer/person who discriminated

Any sanctions for the employee who discriminated, harassed, sexually harassed and/or subjected someone to victimization and who do not follow the agreed action plan, may result in the President having the possibility to report a personnel matter to the Personnel Disciplinary Board for decisions on warnings, salary deductions or in serious cases police report and/or dismissal from employment.

Cases concerning a student who exposes another student or employee at the university to such harassment as referred to in Chapter 1, Section 4 of the Discrimination Act (2008: 567)  may, if there is a well-founded suspicion, be reported to the President for further investigation as a disciplinary matter. The Disciplinary Board for Students can make decisions on disciplinary measures against students.