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The Necessity Bag - for Gender equality, Diversity and Equal Conditions

Welcome to KTH's Toolkit for Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities (JML)! This resource contains materials for everyone involved in teaching, educational leadership and/or other educational work. We continuously update the Toolkit with tips, examples and tools on how perspectives related to gender equality, diversity and equal opportunities can be integrated into teaching, courses and programs.

Gender equality, diversity, and equal conditions are related to sustainability. Therefore, feel free to also explore KTH's Toolbox for Learning for Sustainable Development , where you will find more tips and examples on integrating sustainable development into teaching.

Would you like to contribute utensils to the Necessity bag?

We welcome tips, ideas, and examples for integrating gender perspective, equality, diversity, and equal opportunities into teaching, courses, and programs.

Contact Lotta Delin: