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About the Necessity Bag

The Necessity Bag is aimed at everyone at KTH who has to do with education and teaching. The ambition with the Necessity Bag is to provide utensils for working with four areas that have been identified as main development areas for Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities at KTH; collective organization, equal opportunities, knowledge and awareness, including culture.

About the name

Necessity come from the French nécessaire, "necessary". A Necessity Bag is a small bag that contains utensils that can be used to change and improve. The concept of necessary here aims to be a gathering place for utensils that can be used to change and improve teaching at KTH in terms of Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities.


The main purpose of the project is to contribute to meeting KTH's teachers and teaching staff's demand for knowledge and utensils to integrate Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities in the education at KTH. The project also aims to proactively contribute to stimulating integration of Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities perspectives and to counteract discrimination in KTH's educations.


Create a website with utensils, tips and examples of educational initiatives in Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities in education at KTH as support for increasing the integration of Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities in KTH's courses and programs. Everyone who works (or studies) at KTH must know the necessities.


The Necessity Bag must function as a resource within KTH for different target groups with different prior knowledge and level of ambition.


The project idea, to prepare a web-based Necessity Bag for Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities in teaching, came from Equality Office and Learning in STEM Autumn 2019. The demand for competence development in Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities in teaching (from theory to practice) had then increased significantly in connection with the government assignment JiHU 2017-2019. The Necessity Bag is intended as a support and a complement to Equality Office's and Learning in STEM's educational initiatives with a JML focus.