How are employees on government assignments feeling?

Published Nov 17, 2022
The trade union ST has conducted a large member survey to which several of us have responded. It has resulted in a report which shows that the workload is increasing for employees within the state. In comparison with previous work environment surveys, both improvements and deteriorations are visible. Read the overall results below and get the link to the full report, for further reading (in Swedish).
Overall results
- Government employees have far too much to do and government employees are more stressed than employees in the labor market in general.
- Almost 6 out of 10 state that when they work overtime it is because they do not have time to complete their tasks during regular working hours.
- In the digital work environment, there is above all a lack of influence.
- Remote work is still seen as something positive, especially among women as a group.
- We see a strong connection between how the members experience their work situation and the degree of influence over the work environment.
- Sick leave has decreased somewhat, but the reason is not necessarily positive. Many are expected to work remotely when they are sick.
- Openness and leadership affect safety at work. Two common causes of insecurity are difficulties in expressing criticism and unclear leadership.
- As many as 34 % state that there are threats and violence in the workplace and almost a third state that they did not receive sufficient support from their employer in connection with being exposed to threats and violence.