Borrow a bike at Brinellvägen 8
As an employee at KTH it is possible to borrow a bike at KTH Huset, Brinellvägen 8 during opening hours. There are different bikes available. The bikes are second-hand and abandoned bikes from KTH Campus and nearby apartments’ storage rooms that have been refurbished and are owned by KTH Sustainability Office. All the bikes are in accordance with the Swedish Transport Administration rules.

If you want to borrow a bike you are welcome to come by KTH Huset, Brinellvägen 8 during opening hours. Since it is only possible for KTH employees to borrow the bikes, please make sure to bring a valid ID and your access card. If there is a bike available you will be able to sign it out and you will then be given keys and a helmet. The bikes are located outside the KTH Huset main entrance at Brinellvägen 8. The bike, helmet, and keys must be returned the same day to KTH Huset before closing time. If you, for some reason, are not able to return the items or encounter any technical difficulties with the bike, KTH Sustainability Office must be informed via e-mail as soon as possible at
Everyone that borrows a bike are obliged to use a helmet and make sure that the bike is locked at all times when not used.
If you are interested in pre-booking one or more bikes, please send a request to the KTH Sustainability Office,
Photos of bikes to borrow: