Public defences of doctoral theses
Thu 04 April
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Public defences of doctoral theses
Medical Technology
Friday 2019-09-20, 09:00
Location: T2, Hälsovägen 11C, Huddinge (English)
Doctoral student: David Marlevi , Medicinsk avbildning
2019-09-20T09:00:00.000+02:00 2019-09-20T09:00:00.000+02:00 Non-invasive imaging for improved cardiovascular diagnostics (Public defences of doctoral theses) T2, Hälsovägen 11C, Huddinge (English) (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Non-invasive imaging for improved cardiovascular diagnostics (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Friday 2019-09-20, 10:30
Location: Oskar Kleins Auditorium, Roslagstullsbacken 21, Albanova University Center, Stockholm (English)
Doctoral student: Shengze Yu , Protein Engineering, Gräslund group
2019-09-20T10:30:00.000+02:00 2019-09-20T10:30:00.000+02:00 Exploitation of interactions with the neonatal Fc receptor to manipulate biological half-lives for therapeutic applications (Public defences of doctoral theses) Oskar Kleins Auditorium, Roslagstullsbacken 21, Albanova University Center, Stockholm (English) (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Exploitation of interactions with the neonatal Fc receptor to manipulate biological half-lives for therapeutic applications (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Friday 2019-09-27, 10:00
Location: M3, Brinellvägen 64, Maskin, våningsplan 2, KTH Campus, Stockholm (English)
Doctoral student: Maja Finnveden , Industriell bioteknologi, Biokatalys
2019-09-27T10:00:00.000+02:00 2019-09-27T10:00:00.000+02:00 Enzyme catalysis towards bio-based UV-curable buildingblocks (Public defences of doctoral theses) M3, Brinellvägen 64, Maskin, våningsplan 2, KTH Campus, Stockholm (English) (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Enzyme catalysis towards bio-based UV-curable buildingblocks (Public defences of doctoral theses)